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What It’s Like to Go to Culinary School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

The following is an informal interview held over snapchat with Karishma Prabhu: 

Where do you attend school? 

Culinary Institute of America

When did you realize you wanted to go to culinary school?  

All my life I’ve wanted to go!

What does a day in the life look like for you at school? 

A normal day I might have an academic class in the morning most of the time I won’t have one though then I have my kitchen class. It’s about 8 hours long and we have service for the students who want to come to eat. Some days are easier than others. Also, it depends on how far you are in the program.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten so far? 

Weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten might be raw lionfish or alligator or tripe idk I’ve eaten some interesting things haha

Where do you aspire to end up? 

I want to be an executive chef or baker one day. 

Is it annoying to go on dates where you’re always expected to cook? 

I don’t really go on a lot of dates, if someone asked me to cook for them though I would because I love to make people happy through food

What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about culinary school? 

The biggest misconception is that anyone can do it because I don’t think anyone can haha and that it’s fun and easy and it’s really not. It can be at times but it’s also shit a lot of the times. 

(Ratatouille lied to us y’all)

The proudest moment so far? 

The proudest moment would be just how much I’ve grown since last year and coming back and actually being able to stand my ground and run a service and stay on it with my peers. 

The most embarrassing moment so far? 

And most embarrassing would probably be falling asleep in a lecture a lot last year when I had class at 5:30 AM or throwing up during my practical 

Omg haha well thank you for sharing all of that. 

Hannah Saada

St Edward's '18

Hannah is passionate about gender equity and is a Marketing major at St. Edward's University. She's currently the President for HC at her university. Friends can attest she's a serious Netflix addict and 80s movies are close to her heart. When she's not binge watching a new show, you'll either catch her reading or laughing at terrible puns. [S]he's a righteous dude. Follow Hannah on Instagram at @han_saada