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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Unfortunately we are now reaching the time of year where it will be freezing every day, provided global warming doesn’t randomly make it feel like summer in December. Things can get stressful if as soon as temperatures drop, you realize you do not have any jackets and have no idea where to look, but I’ve got you covered.


We all know that Walmart’s have the best deals around. If you have a Walmart around you, it is definitely worth checking out for a winter jacket. They have puffers and jackets of all kinds for cheap prices, and their clothes are worth looking at too!


Although this is another obvious choice, Target has really stepped up their game when it comes to clothing. They have a selection of cute puffer jackets in almost every color you could want. Next time you go to Target to buy things you don’t need, definitely stop to take a look at their jacket selection.

Thrift Stores

I will never forget the day I bought my now favorite DKNY black puffer at a thrift store for only $10. I honestly thought it was too good to be true until I checked out and paid. Although finding a cheap puffer to keep you warm for the winter is great, it is better for the environment if you try not to purchase too many brand new ones. Thrift stores are a great and affordable way to get new jackets, and by shopping second hand you are doing your part by recycling clothing!

TJ Maxx

If you are looking to invest in a nice winter jacket that you’ll have for a few years, TJ Maxx is the place to go. They have so many name brand jackets. This is definitely more of an investment than some of the other places I have mentioned, but when you look at it in terms of how many years you will have it, it is still probably more affordable than buying multiple cheap jackets.


Macy’s is definitely in the same group as TJ Maxx when it comes to having pricier name brand jackets, but the key is to shop there during the off season. If you start looking for jackets right after winter around March, chances are Macy’s will have some great sales.

I hope my suggestions are able to help you find a winter jacket without having to break the bank! It is getting colder and colder so if you don’t have anything in your closet to keep you warm, it is definitely time to start looking!

Carly Cataldo

St. John's '23

20 Fashion Business Major and Public Relations Minor at St. John's University