When deciding on a college to attend, many students consider location an important variable in their choice. Though there are advantages to rural and suburban areas, an urban setting in college can be very beneficial when it comes to being exposed to new cultures, meeting new people, and getting post graduate jobs.
The main reason that I chose to go to a college in a large city was because of how much a city offers, and how easy it is to travel through the city. Students can take buses and subways to get around. Large cities, such as New York City, have countless opportunities for students to take advantage of; from new restaurants, to places to shop, to museums. Many places also offer student discounts for various opportunities such as museums, concerts, and theater performances. Attending a university in or surrounding a city allows for students to explore something new every weekend.
Another large benefit is how populated cities are. Urban areas tend to draw people from all different cultural backgrounds, and meeting new people enriches college experiences. It can also be helpful when it comes to networking, since a great way to enter a career is through meeting people in the industry. The more students can contribute to their resume, the easier it will be for them to get a job after college.
St. John’s University is the perfect combination of a traditional college campus while still having all the benefits of New York City. Students can utilize the city for learning, new discoveries, and job opportunities. Attending college in a city is the perfect way to get the most out of one’s college experience since there is so much to do!