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Scott Yamano/NETFLIX © 2020
Style > Fashion

Halloween Costumes That Need to be Retired!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Halloween has come and gone once again and I, for one, have seen enough of certain costumes. Every year the costumes are the same repeats, and every year I’m more and more disappointed with the turnouts. Here’s a list of the top 5 Halloween costumes that need to be retired!

Harley Quinn:

When it comes to overdone costumes, Harley Quinn is the first thing that comes to mind. Particularly the version from the film, Suicide Squad. I don’t know about you, but I lost count of the number of Harley Quinn’s I’ve seen over the years since the movie’s debut. I think it’s time to retire that version and bring out some of the other countless costumes and stylistic versions of the character!

inflatable t-rex:

Let’s be real, this costume is overdone. There’s been too many times that I have bumped into a mysterious guy in this giant inflatable costume at a party, and every time it never fails to annoy me. Have any of you experienced something similar? If you have, then you know exactly how I feel (if you know, you know!).

mia wallace:

Now this is more of a personal dislike since I did not enjoy the movie Pulp Fiction. I don’t think there’s any way to make this costume more unique, and most of the Mia Wallace’s I’ve seen are a lazy rendition of the character. I would love to see a version of her that doesn’t look like it was thrown together last minute.

Hugh hefner:

I think we all know why this made the list. Hefner was, to say the least, a terrible human. The dark history of Playboy is not something I have time to delve into, but if you’re curious I highly recommend doing your own research on it.. Dressing up as Hugh Hefner is insulting, especially if it’s as a couples costume. We can definitely do so much better.

Purge masks:

In my opinion, these are the worst of the bunch. It’s always an oversized white button-up paired with the infamous mask, and I’m tired of it. I think this is a costume that has so much creative potential! Ladies, next Halloween let’s step up and make this costume a little more unique!

Sara Fochi

St. John's '26

NYC | NJ i like to write. anthropology major. follow me on instagram :) @sarafochi_