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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

With the outburst of the pandemic of 2020, many things that were once part of our lives were put on pause. Such as summer vacation, concerts, festivals, Halloween, and now winter holidays. Winter holidays are special to many people because it gives them to celebrate their religions, but most importantly it gives them time to spend with the loved ones that they might not be also to throughout the year. However, this year is not going to be the same for many people. Most families might not live in the same state or country, therefore are completely separated from each other during the holidays. Because the pandemic of this prevents families from reuniting, the joy that usually comes along during the winter season is not as present as it usually is. Though now it seems pointless to celebrate holidays without your loved one besides you, it is still crucial that everyone keeps a positive approach, even during these difficult times. We can’t let the stress and loneliness of this year bring down the joy that winter season traditions bring. 

One way to stay positive during this winter break is to surround yourself in a joyful and familiar environment. One of the best things to do during the holidays, that people look forward to the most, is holiday decoration. Whatever your winter holiday might be, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Yule, holiday decoration is a universal tradition that sets the right start for the winter season. It creates a holiday disposition and it even makes people get creative with it every year. Which is why we mustn’t lose this holiday habit. Even if you’re not having a holiday dinner or party this year, you should still decorate your home as if you’re having a holiday dinner or party. Decorating will help you keep your holiday spirit up and will give something to do in the house. 

Though you might not be able to celebrate the holidays with your whole family or all of your friends, it is important to be grateful for the few people that you have around right now. Holidays are also about sharing joy with others, even if it is just with a small number of people they are still part of your life and they can still make this year’s holiday season enjoyable. However, it is also important to keep in contact with loved ones that are far away. The beauty of the 21st century is that we have plenty of technology to contact different parts of the world. So no matter how far your loved one is, make sure to send them some holiday love or just check up on them and see how they are doing this holiday season, this helps to keep relationships connected even with the distance.

Since this year has been quite abnormal for everyone, it might seem pointless to be celebrating the winter holidays. But that is not true, we need these holiday celebrations, we need the joy and cheer that they bring to us because they help us get through this difficult year. We need to keep these traditions because one day we will arise from this chaos and will be able to celebrate our traditions normally and with the rest of the world.


Hi! I’m Benedetta Tommaselli, I was born in Rome, Italy and live there for most of my life until the age of 12, when my my family and I had to move to the United States. Writing has always been a huge part of my life, it was a good way for me to express my thoughts and feelings about the world around me. As a journalism major, I’m determined to use my passion for writing but also being able to develop it so I can be better at it. Email: benedetta.tommaselli19@my.stjohns.edu
Campus Correspondent for St. John's. I am a Sports Management major with a concentration in Business Administration, and a minor in Journalism. My passion for writing has never dulled so I hope to always use this passion for entertainment, and change.