I think we can all agree that one of the more tedious parts about college is gen ed classes. You know, those classes that everyone has to take regardless of their major. Those classes can honestly be boring, and I can’t do much to change that. However, here are a few points that will hopefully change your perspective on just how dreadful these classes can seem to be.
It’s important to know that probably not many people look forward to these classes. Every excited freshman is looking forward to finally studying what they want and then they find themselves stuck in boring lectures about something they probably learned in high school. Take this as common ground and turn it into something to bond over. I’m not kidding. I made a few friends in those classes! It sounds kind of ridiculous, but I saw these classes as good opportunities to meet people and make friends outside of my major. In these classes, especially at the beginning of the year, chances are that everyone else is an anxious freshman who doesn’t really know anyone else either. It may sound intimidating, but most people, specifically new freshmen, are surprisingly open to making friends and meeting new people.
I know from my own experience that some of these gen ed classes feel like high school all over again, and sometimes they kind of are. Appreciate these classes while you have them. Let me clarify something real quick: I am not at all advising you to skip these classes, not study, or avoid doing the work. All I am saying is that these classes don’t always have to provide extra stress or add to your workload, so try not to worry about them more than you have to. Allow these classes to be a little easy because soon enough you won’t have them and you’ll wish you did.
Unfortunately, I can’t magically make these gen ed classes more entertaining, and believe me I wish I could. I hope I could help make these classes a little more bearable. So, make some friends and don’t stress too much. Gen ed classes are only the beginning!