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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

WARNING: Spoilers Ahead

Do you ever feel like you can never find the right movie to watch? Well, I have a great thriller movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 

This TV-MA movie was filmed, written, and directed by Tyler Perry, and then it was released on Netflix. Furthermore, the genres for this movie are thriller, fiction, and drama.

The movie is based in a small town in Virginia, where everyone is talking about Grace Waters, a woman who confessed to killing her husband. She gets assigned a public defender named Jasmine Bryant who is known for never going to trial and pleading her clients out. In addition, a case of this multitude is considered to be high profile and it leaves two options on the table: life without the possibility of parole or life with the possibility of parole.

After the initial defense meeting with her client Grace, Jasmine couldn’t imagine why a woman of her stature would commit such a heinous act. As the case progresses, the truth behind the relationship between Grace and her husband Shannon is revealed and the elements of the murder are slowly uncovered.

After speaking to the people that knew her client’s character, it is revealed that the relationship started off great until her husband became aggressive, violent, and mentally abusive. Furthermore, he brought countless women into their home to cheat. Grace couldn’t take it anymore so she snapped, which eventually led to her confession to the murder. 

Nevertheless, I would give this movie a 10/10 review. Ever since I was a kid, I have been a fan of Tyler Perry films, especially his most infamous character that he himself played, “Madea”. This movie is only featured on Netflix.

Happy Watching! I promise you will not be disappointed! 

Jazmyne Easley

St. John's '23

Hi! I am Jazmyne Easley ! I am a criminal justice major with a concentration in forensic psychology. During my journey at St.John's I have been inducted into honor societies and promoted as team leader at my campus job pretty early into my college career. I love to shop, read, write, and hang out with friends/family. I am the CEO of GlamourGirl Lash Bar !NC. I've had a passion for writing since I was a little girl. I always felt that I could express myself in a manner that is unmatched through my writing. I am super excited about my journey with Her Campus ! Ig@_1jse