It’s officially that time of year where we can claim that “love is in the air” again, and what better way to tell that special someone how much they mean to you than with a poem. Love poems span centuries upon centuries and have always been a way to tell that special someone how meaningful they are to you. While most people are not poets, there’s an array of love poems to choose from to send to that special someone. Here are my top 10 picks for poems about love to share with that special someone this Valentine’s Day!
1. “How Do I Love Thee? (Sonnet 43)” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Let’s start out with a classic. I would take a guess that plenty of people have heard the opening line “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” before. Well, this poem does just that and counts the ways one loves thee, making it a perfect poem to send to your loved one. Let Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s beautiful words count out the ways for you.
2. “[love is more thicker than forget]” by E. E. Cummings. If you are looking for a simple explanation on what love is, this poem has you covered. Love is… E. E. Cummings will explain to you exactly what love is and you can share what love is with your own loved one.
3. “Sonnet 116” by William Shakespeare. I simply couldn’t let this list pass by without including one of the great poets on it. From a list of hundreds of sonnets from the well-known play-write and poet Shakespeare, “Sonnet 116” paints a beautiful picture of love.
4. “Love and Friendship” by Emily Bronté. Love doesn’t have to be romantic. Oftentimes the most beautiful forms of love are platonic and love and friendship pair beautifully together as Bronté depicts in her poem. Ignore the looming fact that you may be lacking romantic love this year or embrace your platonic love on top of your romantic one and share the meaning of love and friendship with your closest group of friends.
5. “The Quiet World” by Jeffrey McDaniel. Telling a short story in the form of poetry, “The Quiet World” demonstrates the power love holds in any circumstance. With just a few short stanzas, McDaniel creates a simple, yet profoundly powerful poem in an almost dystopian world. Show your loved one this poem and explain how you’ll save your words for them.
6. “[I loved you first: but afterwards your love]” by Christina Rossetti. Love is best when it is a two way street and Christina Rossetti paints a picture with her words of a beautiful give and take love. Share this meaningful poem with your loved one to show that, in Rossetti’s words, “one is both and both are one in love.”
7. “Bird-Understander” by Craig Arnold. Every person has random little details that we love and Craig Arnold pulls forth a random little detail he loves in his special someone in his poem. Show your loved one this poem and tell them the little, seemingly unimportant thing they do that you absolutely love.