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Trend Predictions 2022-2023: What’s In and What’s Out?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

We all know that fashion trends are one thing that’s never constant. Things go in and out of style so quickly, it’s impossible to keep up! This is especially the case on platforms like TikTok, where people turn to when looking for the next big trend. This week, I took to TikTok and went searching for what’s up and coming; because let’s face it, we all want to know!

#1: Skincare-infused makeup

Skin tints are one of the most popular makeup items right now. Big brands like Morphe, Fenty Beauty, and Rare Beauty have all hopped on the train to light coverage and a “clean” looking foundation. TikTok users like @sarahpalmyra think that the next big thing to follow is sunscreen-infused makeup! Achieving the “glass skin” and “clean girl” look is all the rage right now, so it only makes sense for the next step to be centered around sunscreen. After we power through the winter season, I can definitely see this becoming the next big thing! 

#2: clean girl is out, and 90’s grunge is back

One thing I can definitely get behind is the grunge aesthetic making a comeback. Fashion influencers on TikTok seem to think so, too! Fashion swings back and forth constantly, so when one thing is “in” for a while, it is only a matter of time before its opposite comes barreling through. TikTok users with a bigger platform are showing off their “smudgy” makeup looks that include 1990s-era staples like a dramatic black smokey eye and thin eyebrows. What do you think? Will you hop on this trend or stick with what you know?

#3: slim thick or just slim?

Something I think a lot of us have been noticing is that celebrities, like Kim Kardashian, have been ditching their BBL’s for a more natural figure. Within the last 10 years, the extreme hourglass figure has been the thing to achieve, or at least that’s how celebrities have been making it seem. Now it appears that they are going back on their word, and instead favoring their natural bodies. No filler, no implants, just themselves. However, some people are nervous that this reversal is going down the path of, once again, impossible beauty standards. A lot of us can think back to the early 2010s when “pro-anorexia” accounts on platforms like Tumblr blew up with popularity. Do you think that’s where we are headed next?

What do you think? I, for one, am so here for grunge becoming popular again. However, I can also acknowledge the concerns some may have that dangerous trends are sneaking their way in. I’m not sure how to feel yet, only time will tell us how things play out in the fashion scene!

Sara Fochi

St. John's '26

NYC | NJ i like to write. anthropology major. follow me on instagram :) @sarafochi_