If you are like me and attend a Catholic university, but aren’t Catholic yourself, you might find yourself running into some dead ends. It can be extremely frustrating and oftentimes isolating. Today, I’m going to share a personal story and lay out a survival guide so that those who are also in my position can find some community and some comfort:
What Happened to Me?
Recently, I had a run-in at my university where I was harshly reminded of what environment I’m really living in. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my school! However, moments like these serve as that “oh…right” realization. Picture this: you are sitting in the dining hall with a close friend and they tell you that a mutual friend between the two of you was talking about you behind your back. The mutual friend called you names like “devil worshiper” or “crazy”. Just as you finish discussing this, the mutual friend comes to sit with you.
At this point, my blood was boiling. What was I supposed to do? My faith and spirituality are a non-negotiable part of my identity, as I’m sure it is for many of you as well. So…push came to shove, and within minutes this friend and I were arguing. Suffice to say, that person isn’t a friend anymore.
This incident alone was enough to inspire me to compile this list of do’s and don’ts. Now that you know my story, let’s get into the guide!
Tip #1: Stay calm
While you have every right to be angry, upset, alone, or all of the above, something I find to be important is to relax as much as you can. It is important to your mental health to not dwell on ignorant people. Just remember to take a deep breath.
Tip #2: Remove yourself from toxicity
Another crucial step to protecting your peace is to remove yourself from situations, or people, that are making you unhappy. Remember that respect goes both ways, and not everyone is worthy of your time!
Tip #3: Find your people
I know, I know, easier said than done, right? I get it, sometimes it feels as though people similar to you just don’t exist! But it doesn’t always have to be that literal. Yes, finding friends of the same faith will bring you comfort. But I promise there are people out there not of the same faith as you that won’t let it impact your friendship! If I have found them, I know you can too!
I hope this survival guide resonates with some of you reading and brings you the comfort you need. Remember that you are loved and your beliefs are valid! <3