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Most Commonly Asked Questions for Post Abroad Students… And Here Are The Answers!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

Spring 2017 is finally here! While many students are simply returning to SLU after a month of holiday break, some students are coming back from studying abroad over the fall semester, reuniting with friends, professors, and, of course, our beloved snowy campus. St. Lawrence has an incredible study abroad program, so if you are given the opportunity, take it! “Travelling abroad is an experience of a lifetime,” says Charlotte Kirby 18’, who studied in Prague, Czech Republic this fall.

Reintegrating into the United States, but also into the St. Lawrence campus culture, is exciting- but it can also be an overwhelming and challenging adjustment for many. We asked some of the returning juniors about their adventures abroad, and here is what they have to say!

What did you miss the most about SLU?

“I missed the environment, the friendly faces, and being able to just go down the hall to see my friends at any given time.” – Katie Hovey ‘18, studied in Madrid, Spain

“I think the biggest thing I missed was the community. The group of people here at SLU is incredibly special, and, although I loved London, I missed saying ‘Hi’ to people I knew in the halls, or being able to walk into the Ticker and find everyone in my classes. When I got back to SLU, it was almost like I had never left. That was definitely something I was looking forward to the entire time I was gone!” -Emily Hubbard ‘18, studied in London, England

“I missed American food.” -Jake Barrett ‘18, studied in Prague, Czech Republic

Do you have any advice for students who plan to go abroad?

“Do everything; say yes to any opportunity that comes your way.” Katie Hovey ‘18, studied in Madrid, Spain

“Try to be independent and take some time for yourself in order to appreciate the host culture. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. You are only abroad once, be spontaneous!”- Kayla Schmalz ‘18, studied in Prague, Czech Republic

“Just do it! It’s worth the effort and it’s fine to be nervous about travelling alone and living in a new place, but it’s a great addition to being at SLU. You’ll gain more going abroad then what you’ll miss at school!” -Hannah Fake ‘18, studied in Dunedin, New Zealand

What are some of the biggest differences between your host culture versus your home culture?

“The food culture was very different. The times we ate and manners at the table were not like they are here.” -Satchel Toole ‘18, studied in Madrid, Spain

“I would say the biggest difference I noticed was that the U.S is very egocentric. I found other parts of the world are looking out for each other and the environment much more. People were more willing to help me out abroad which was nice!” – Maddie Rice ‘18, studied in Copenhagen, Denmark

“The biggest difference for me was how race is perceived in South Africa. Although the United States has its own race issues, South Africa is only 20 years out of the Apartheid. I was not expecting it to be much different from Boston when it comes to how people perceive and think about race, but it totally was.” – Monica Manning ‘18, studied in Cape Town, South Africa


What was your favorite part about studying abroad?

“I loved being able to travel to so many different countries and gaining more independence. I was exposed to so many new experiences and living with a host family really opened my eyes to a new culture.” -Maddie Rice ‘18, studied in Copenhagen, Denmark

“I loved being able to get outdoors; there were hot springs, skiing, hiking, beaches, rock climbing, kayaking and glaciers all within close proximity to where I lived. It was also a great new experience living in a city, since I have never done that before.”  -Hannah Fake ‘18, studied in Dunedin, New Zealand


Sophomore at St. Lawrence University, majoring in Rhetoric Communication Studies. I am from Westchester County New York. I am interested in journalism, new media, studio art, public relations, and marketing.
I am a sophomore at St. Lawrence University! I am a member of the lacrosse team, global studies major, and art minor. I have studied abroad in Kenya for a summer term, and am headed to South Africa next fall. I am originally from north of Boston, and spend my winters at Jay Peak, Vermont. I am also the youngest of my four siblings to study at SLU.