5 PM Books are packed in your bag and you’re on your way for a beer run to Riverside or Shoulettes.
6 PM Dinner! Time to stuff your face so you can actually function later. Seriously, never hold back on a Saturday night dinner, you’ll regret it way later!
7 PM Shower & time to pick out your outfit and do any makeup touches you feel necessary. Mind you, this can take up to an hour as finding the right thing to wear can be awfully hard if you’re like me. If not, this can be a good time to get your drink on, or shotgun a beer in the shower with your bestfriend!
8 PM Gather the homies in the usual pre game spot. Time to whip out your drink of choice for the night and do any last minute touchups as well as gather any money you’ll need for later.
9 PM Music is on and pregame has officially started. Invite any other homies to your mini rager and begin any games or music that gets your squad pumped. Often times “don’t let me order Sergi’s tonight” is running through your head around this time.
10 PM Second pregame. Time to head to a house on Minor, the Townhouses, or the theme houses to find the party before it gets broken up.
11PM Time to find your friends and get tabs on everyone before you roll out. This can take up to 30-40 minutes depending on how many people the part is at.
12PM Head to ticker or Java for a night of dancing and either really bad, or really good decisions. Climb the Java tree, pee in the sink at the ticker.. you’re almost invincible at this point
1 PM Roll out, and hope your phone isn’t dead yet. Sergi’s is calling and needs that Bob’s special with a side of ranch and honey mustard. Squad is rolling a little less deep at this point, but find anyone who is anyone to eat the delicious pizza you’re about to have with yourself.