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Austin Redfield ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Austin Redfield

Year of graduation: 2016

Major/concentration: Economics with a finance emphasis.

Relationship status: Single

Favorite place to study: Lately I’ve been feeling bold in my choice of study locations, so I’ve been invading the area where all of the swimmers study on the 4th floor of Rolvaag.  If I’m really lucky, I sometimes beat them there on Sundays and stake out the couches in the fiction section.

Favorite food: I’m a sucker for sweet, healthy foods.  If you give me some tender acorn squash, I will be happier than a dog with a tennis ball.  I will also devour whatever custard I see (Adele’s in Excelsior, MN, preferably).

Favorite movie: The Marty McFly poster in my room reveals that I have an undying love for Back to the Future.  I could watch all of those movies on endless repeat and not care in the least bit about the looks of disdain that you give me.

Hobbies: Rock climbing, lifting, water skiing, watching MN sports teams

What’s the best part of doing track?: As a sprinter, we have tons of down time to joke around with each other and get into all kinds of mischief.  And running, too.  Running is also cool.

If you could own one breed of exotic pet, which would you own and why?: I would no doubt own a manatee!  Picture this scene: you had a rough day and want to relieve your stress. How could this possibly be done? I know! You jump into your manatee tank and have a fantastic afternoon swimming and living it up with your adorable manatee!

If you were to travel to one part of the world, where would you travel and why?: I’ve long been dreaming of a trip to the pristine beaches of the Caribbean and I am fortunate to say that I will accomplish my dream this interim when I study abroad in the Literature of the Eastern Caribbean program.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your life?: 10 years ago I was on a family vacation to New Zealand and we took a hot air balloon ride as the sun rose above a vast area of farmland.  As we were coming down, we almost landed in a patch with hundreds of ostriches running around before our pilot took us back up and landed us elsewhere.  Scary yet awesome for 10-year-old me.

Describe yourself in one word: Dynamic.

Call or text?: From my past experience, the only way to get something said is in person.  What’s wrong with a little face-to-face in today’s age?  I am seriously the worst person at conveying tone when it comes to texting.

What is your ideal date?: Jennifer Lawrence.  5 star restaurant. A free night to do whatever we want.

Actually, though, I am the kind of person who loves getting to know someone on a date.  If I had to choose the best possible date, it would include a walk around a wooded park, a fantastic picnic, and watching the sunset on a summer night.

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when… She is true to herself and is comfortable in her own skin.  Nothing is more attractive than a girl who doesn’t care if she makes a fool of herself and has a smile the whole time.

What do you want the ladies of St. Olaf to know?: Don’t fear the unknown.  Step outside your comfort zone and strike up conversations with strangers.  You need to understand that all of you are unbelievably awesome people!


All photos provided by Austin Redfield

Maggie is a junior at St. Olaf, currently majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies with a concentration in media studies.  She runs for the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, writes for the school newspaper, and tries to do her homework in the downtime. Maggie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, biking, skiing, and swimming.  She's excited to be a part of the Her Campus community!  Um Ya Ya!