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The Beauty Beat: Molly’s Top 10 Beauty Tricks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


While you may not get bags of Halloween treats anymore, I have a bag of tricks for you today!

Here are my top ten favorite beauty tricks:

1. Applying mascara to the bottom lashes can be a trying experience for some of us, especially if we just pulled an all-nighter. However, there is a way to apply it perfectly every time: the spoon. Taking a spoon and placing it under your eyelashes allows you to coat your bottom lashes perfectly without having to worry about getting mascara on your skin.

2. Want to rock the cat-eye look this fall but can never seem to get both eyes to look the same? Well, then it is time to break out the plastic! Use your student I.D. or a credit card to trace wings with your eyeliner. Place the card diagonally from your nose to the outer corner of your eye and extend your eyeliner along the line. Perfectly symmetrical every time.

3. I have an “undrying” love for dryer sheets. They have so many more uses than just softening our laundry, and one of them happens to be a beauty secret! Run a dryer sheet over your hair to tame frizz and flyways. The oils in the sheet smooth and shine hair without having to put a bunch of gloop in it.

4. Here is one of my tricks to making perfume last all day: spray it in your hair. Your locks tend to hold odors much better than skin. Applying scents in your hair is a fun way to smell nice; plus, each time you move your hair, the scent is released.

5. Another miracle in this world is Vaseline. Besides its MANY other uses, it also extends the life of your perfume. Place it on your pulse points (neck, wrists, back of knees…) before you apply perfume. The spray will catch onto the jelly. I like this because it concentrates the smell in a few places!

6. The best cure for those super stylish, but super uncomfortable shoes, is Vaseline (to continue on my love of petroleum jelly). The jelly substance prevents rubbing when applied to heels or the side of the feet. Because the shoes won’t rub, you won’t get blisters. This is brilliant.

7. When I am feeling like my skin is dull, I try to avoid caking on bronzer. It can look fake if applied too heavily. Instead, put your moisturizer and some of your favorite powder in your hand. Mix. This instant tinted moisturizer blends well and brightens your complexion!

8. Ibuprofen is good for more than just curing your hangover and headaches! Next time you have a pimple, break open a liquid gel version and dab the solution on your skin. It won’t cure your breakout, but it definitely brings down the swelling.

9. Want to give your eyelashes an extra lift? Blow dry your eyelash curler to heat it up a little bit (be careful not to make it too hot!), then curl your lashes. It’s almost like a tiny curling iron…

10. Something we often forget about is the power of a clean brush. Clean out your makeup brushes once a week with baby shampoo. It keeps them in shape and working properly.

Founder and executive editor of the St. Olaf chapter of Her Campus, Lucy Casale is a senior English major with women's studies and media studies concentrations at St. Olaf College. A current editorial intern at MSP Communications in Minneapolis, MN, Lucy has interned at WCCO-TV/CBS Minnesota, Marie Claire magazine, and two newspapers. Visit her digital portfolio: lucysdigitalportfolio.weebly.com