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Cooking on Campus: Snicker Salad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Collegiettes™! Here is a simple way to recreate caramel apples, minus the mess and difficult eating. Snicker salad combines all of the ingredients of a caramel apple, just in different proportions and through different ingredients. While caramel apples are a special fall treat, sometimes the mess cancels out my enjoyment of eating them. So, when I came across this recipe, I was excited that I would be able to recreate one of my favorite fall treats in a fun, noncomplex way. 

For Snicker Salad, all you need is:

      -1 container of Cool Whip

      – 3 Snicker bars

      – 4 tart green apples

      – Marshmallows (optional)

1. Cut up Snickers into little bite size pieces. Core and cut apple into bite size pieces. 

2. Mix in a bowl with the whole container of cool whip (you may use less than the whole container if you want) the apple and Snicker pieces. Add in marshmallows (optional).


Founder and executive editor of the St. Olaf chapter of Her Campus, Lucy Casale is a senior English major with women's studies and media studies concentrations at St. Olaf College. A current editorial intern at MSP Communications in Minneapolis, MN, Lucy has interned at WCCO-TV/CBS Minnesota, Marie Claire magazine, and two newspapers. Visit her digital portfolio: lucysdigitalportfolio.weebly.com