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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Meet Wes Minar, Class of 2016!

Where are you living this year? In Felland House, a.k.a. The Table at St. Olaf. We’re five doors down on Ole ave, right across from PDA’s house.

Can you tell us a little more about your honor house, The Table, and what you guys are all about? In short, our house is about fostering conversation. We try to hold events that have a safe and welcoming atmosphere, where everyone feels safe to speak their own opinion, and to listen to the opinions of others. These goals are based on the goals of a nonprofit in the twin cities called Marnita’s Table. The goal of Marnita’s Table is to create conversations across race, class, and culture. Homemade food catering to all tastes from vegan to carnivore is central to both Marnita’s Table and our events. My housemate Carl Graefe and I are in charge of making the food for our events.

Do you have any events coming up? We actually just had an event on Friday the 20th called “What Am I Doing Here.” We held it in Hoyme Hall and collaborated with Res Life to bring first years into a conversation about their plans for their time at St. Olaf. As for events in the future, with Christmasfest and finals forming the majority of December, our next event will most likely be in January, during interim. 

How else are you involved in campus? I pour all of my excess energy into my on-campus job as a student supervisor in Stav Hall. I have no time for other extracurriculars.

What is your major? Biology.

Favorite prof and class you’ve taken? Advanced Fiction Writing with Jim Heynen. It completely changed my perspective on writing and what I am capable of.

If you could name one person at Olaf to be a future president of the US of A, who would it be and why? John Bruer. The guy is just so presidential, it hurts. He can also speak at a volume impossible for most humans.

Any advice to younger students? Try new things, meet new people, make friends with those people, stay friends with those people and study hard. Mainly just the last one, actually.

What is your favorite place on campus? There is a rocky outcropping by the water tower next to Hill-Kitt that has quite a nice view. I like to go there and contemplate existence. 

What do you think you’ll miss most about Olaf? Being around so many people. I’m sure that whatever I do next in life I will not have the chance to be around so many amazing people.