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Mmm Ya Ya: The Morning After Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Hello, my wonderful, lovely, sexy readers –

Welcome back! Now that we are back on campus and getting into the full swing of fall semester, I know the college mating season has officially started. From the dance floor of the Slegion last weekend to all of the freshmen starting to couple up, it is obvious that St. Olaf is back and feeling sexier than ever!

Whether you have a boyfriend, a regular hook-up, or are just single and ready to mingle, there is a chance that at some point this year, you may end up spending the night in someone else’s room. And especially after a crazy night out, you often wake up looking and feeling more like something out of American Horror Story than the sexy goddess you were the night before. But have no fear! I have developed the perfect “Morning After” kit to help you look fresh and fabulous in spite of your indiscretions!

1. Keep it clean. These travel-sized “Say Yes to Cucumbers” cleansing towelettes are great for sensitive skin. They are pretty effective at getting off even the most stubborn of makeup, and they can be used to freshen up the rest of your body, too!

2. Polish those pearly whites. Nothing is worse than bad morning breath, especially after a night of drinking. This mini travel toothbrush and mini toothpaste came in a combo pack and cost just $0.97! Talk about a good investment…

3. Glow and go. This little trick I picked up from a beauty blog over the summer: use a contact lens case to bring just the right amount of makeup for quick and easy fix-ups, rather than lugging along the entire bottle. I added some of my foundation into one side and a cream blush in the other, and boom! I’m set for quick touch-ups during the night and a fresh face in the morning!

4. Turn around, Bright Eyes. I find that adding a little mascara to my lashes in the morning is the best way to wake up my entire face and look like I’m ready for the day ahead, despite my nocturnal activities.
5. Whip that hair back (and forth). Keep hair ties of a couple different sizes, as well as a few bobby pins, on hand in your kit. This allows you to be able to do a number of different hairstyles from the standard ponytail to a cute top knot. Even day-old hair that’s been through a crazy night can look pulled together in a chic French braid!

6. Rubbers. Self-explanatory. Always keep one condom (at least) on hand in case your guy doesn’t. It never hurts to be prepared. Pick up some free ones in the Wellness Center!

7. It’s morphin’ time! With tissue-thin t-shirts all the rage this year, it is super easy to fit a shirt-change in your “Morning After” kit. Just take a plain T, the thinner the better, and roll it up as tight as you can. Pop a hair band around it, and you have a fresh, clean shirt to throw on in the morning!

Other add-ons for your kit could be Aspirin or ibuprofen, a granola bar, gum, Chapstick… What would you like to have in your kit? Let me know! And as always, if you have any questions, topics you would like addressed, or just general comments, leave them in the space below!

Stay sexy St. Olaf,

Bri attends St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota and is majoring in Psychology with concentrations in Media Studies and Women's Studies. She is most passionate about writing, traveling, cooking, hand-written letters and cheering on the Minnesota Vikings and Wisconsin Badgers. In her free time, she enjoys running, photography, attempting to blog and spending time with her amazing family and friends. She is currently an Arts & Entertainment Editor for the St. Olaf College newspaper with the lovely Lucy Casale and aspires to further explore the field of journalism after graduation.