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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

While I think all of us would agree that sex and other forms of hooking up are a blast, there are those times when slightly embarrassing situations may come of our indiscretions. Here are some common situations – and some quick fixes – to help keep the awkwardness at bay when faced with these scenarios!

The “Oh, sh*t, my guy and I were having a great time necking, but now I have the world’s worst hickey!” moment:
The most sure-fire method of reducing the appearance of a hickey that I have found online is a cold compress. However, this is really only effective if you apply an ice pack immediately following the formation of the hickey. Other methods include massaging the area with a toothbrush or your fingers – this increases blood flow which could help decrease the discoloration. If it is a real doozy, your best option might be to try and cover it up with a collared shirt or a scarf. For oddly placed ones that can’t be covered by clothing, I would recommend a thicker concealer with a yellowish undertone, such as an under eye concealer. The yellow counteracts the bluish-purple of the hickey, neutralizing the skin tone. 

The “Staying at my guy’s place for the night… and I just got my period” moment:
Mother Nature does tend to have a way of ruining romantic situations. There isn’t really a good way to tell your guy why you are no longer down for the dirty – besides admitting to a visit from Aunt Flo, but you can still salvage your night! First of all, always carry at least a couple of tampons/pads with you when you go over to a guy’s house. Alternatively, if your guy is cool with you leaving a little stash at his place, then you don’t have to worry about always restocking your purse. Also, for those of you with smartphones, there are some good free apps that allow you to track your menstrual cycle. The free iPhone apps: iPeriod and Period Tracker Lite both have good reviews online. 

The “My roomie just walked in on me masturbating/having sex- I am completely mortified” moment:
Oh college – the wonderful years of your life when you actually have to worry about this sort of thing happening. I think it is safe to say that something like this has happened to a fair few of us, either with a special someone or just during our special alone time. Unfortunately, being walked-in on can be one of this most embarrassing situations and the most difficult to dispel. The best option here is prevention: have some sort of code or somehow let your roommate know that you would like the room to yourself for a while. My freshman-year roommate and I had a whiteboard outside our door, and if we wanted the room for sexy-times, we would draw little hearts on it as fair warning. Also, in the age of cell phones, it is so easy to shoot your roomie a text asking her to let you know when she will be heading back to the room. A little awkwardness via text is much better than a lot of awkwardness if she were to walk in on you.

For some more tips and tricks on these and other embarrassing situations, check out Glamour’s article “Your Most Embarrassing Sex Moments (and How to Survive Them)”. As always, I appreciate any and all comments from you, my lovely readers!

Stay suave and sexy St. Olaf,

Founder and executive editor of the St. Olaf chapter of Her Campus, Lucy Casale is a senior English major with women's studies and media studies concentrations at St. Olaf College. A current editorial intern at MSP Communications in Minneapolis, MN, Lucy has interned at WCCO-TV/CBS Minnesota, Marie Claire magazine, and two newspapers. Visit her digital portfolio: lucysdigitalportfolio.weebly.com