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Ole Fit: Beat the Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Hello fellow Oles!

My name is Maggie, and for the rest of second semester, I will writing the Ole Fit blog!  I am a sophomore student, majoring in Spanish, history and Latin American studies.  I’m also a member of the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, and I love exercise and healthy lifestyles.  Being healthy is about so much more than exercise and eating, however.  It’s also about mental health, emotional stability, and self-esteem.  My hope is that this blog touches on all these topics and addresses what it’s like to live a healthy, balanced, fit and happy lifestyle.

However, living in a healthy way is undeniably harder in the winter months.  Let’s face it- winter is hard.  It’s freezing outside.  No one wants to walk down to Skoglund.  All you want in the caf is hot chocolate and the heartiest food being served.  Being inside doing homework will make anyone a little more upset.  How can we stay healthy during these long winter months?

To be honest, Oles, I’m still trying to figure out the answer to that question, too.  Here are some helpful hints that I’ve discovered for surviving the winter months in sub-zero temperatures:

Don’t Get Sick:

Or at least try not to. This tip is obvious, but winter months are so much easier if you’re not hacking up a lung while trying to finish your history reading.  Everyone gets sick, but some simple preventative measures can reduce your chances of catching the plague. Take a vitamin C supplement. Drink some Airborne or Emergen C with breakfast. Keep your distance from those who are sick and wash your hands before every meal. We’ve all heard these tips a million times, but following them almost guarantees a happier winter.


Everyone wants something warm and hearty to eat and drink during the winter months.  Hot chocolate and stews can be easy to justify.  However, there are ways to get your warm and hearty drinks without all the calories that cream and chocolate bring.  Try drinking hot tea instead of more caloric options or a vegetable soup instead of a heavy cream stew.  These substitutes are just as warm with fewer calories.


Find a Buddy:

Getting down to Skoglund is hard in the winter months.  Who wants to walk down that windy hill only to work out?

No one.

Finding a workout buddy makes it easier to face the winds and go work out.  Try setting a weekly schedule with your buddy.  If you build the workouts into your daily routine, it’ll be easier to motivate yourself.  Plus, you know you’ll be happier for the workout.

Make It Fun: 

There are plenty of ways to exercise and still have fun during the winter months.  One great indoor option is Zumba, yoga, and Pilates classes, which are offered weekly in Skoglund. You could also try rock climbing and lap swimming in Skoglund.  If you’re feeling really adventurous (or just really need some vitamin D), STORP rents out cross-country skis and snowshoes for free.

There you have it!  Hopefully these tips will keep you in shape, happy and healthy until the temperatures start to rise.  Until next week, stay fit, Oles!

cover, don’t get sick, substitute, workout buddy, make it fun

Maggie is a junior at St. Olaf, currently majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies with a concentration in media studies.  She runs for the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, writes for the school newspaper, and tries to do her homework in the downtime. Maggie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, biking, skiing, and swimming.  She's excited to be a part of the Her Campus community!  Um Ya Ya!