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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


The warm weather has finally arrived on campus! We have gotten lucky with the beautiful warm and sunny days this week. We also had Daylight Savings this past weekend. All things are signalling the beginning of spring! With this in mind there are some things we can all do to prepare for the upcoming season change.


 Give your dorm room a spring cleaning.

Take some time over the weekend to maybe pack away some of your winter wardrobe and bring out your sundresses.


 Do some online shopping.

If you don’t have some flowy clothes, now is the perfect time to invest in some because it is getting to be the perfect temperature for cute sandals, skirts and dresses.


Use the weekend for some extra sleep.

Since we lost an hour last weekend, take the weekend to catch up on some extra sleep as we gear up for the last few weeks before midterms.



Get out into the sun!

Now that its warm and nice out and most of the snow has melted, there are plenty of opportunities to get outside. Find a bench to study on or go for a run through the Natural Lands.


Enjoy the beautiful sunshine Oles!


title photo, sun photo, cleaning photo, dress photo, keep calm photo.