It’s a daily occurrence that Peer Advisors and Career Coaches speak to freshmen, sophomores and juniors who seek clarity in their vocational process. After spending the past two months in the Piper Center, it’s ingrained into me to immediately emphasize that this process does not happen overnight and most often takes a lifetime of discernment to find the proper path. However, as motivated and high-achieving Oles, the general student body wants an answer to what they will be doing with their life. There are a multitude of personality tests, workshops and retreats that are available to students to aid them in the process of major and career decision-making, many of which are promoted by the Piper Center.
But if you ask any of the Piper Center staff, we will tell you that the most valuable resource available to students exists outside the door of the Piper Center: the cozy Northfield community lends itself to a surprisingly large array of volunteer and work opportunities. With a number of diverse classroom settings, medical facilities and social services, Northfield has opportunities for any and all Oles hoping to gain valuable hands-on experience working with people in the real world off the Hill.
During my first three years as a college student, I spent time each semester in a volunteer role. Since my interest was mainly focused in education, I chose to help out in the Northfield Middle and High Schools. TORCH (Tackling Obstacles, Raising College Hopes) placed me in different classrooms and after-school programs that fit my skills and interests. My roles were simple – I tutored students, helped them study and mostly chatted with them about whatever they were interested in that day.
The experiences that I had as a volunteer through the TORCH program were incredibly beneficial. Time off of the Hill was relaxing, especially since I spent it was spent with kids that always kept a smile on my face. I gained valuable experience that directed my vocational focus in a useful way. And the entire process was SO easy – I simply scheduled a ride with VanGO, the free transportation system on campus!
There are a million reasons to volunteer in the Northfield community: to improve your skills, to connect with others, to gain experience or to be involved in a new and interesting activity off of the Hill. Be fulfilled by serving others and gain insight into your own passions by clicking here!