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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Wendy Raymond

Year of graduation: 2014

Major/concentration: Economics, Political Science

Relationship status: Single

Favorite place to study: The old cage booths! 

Favorite food: S’mores or chips and mango salsa 

Favorite movie: Remember the Titans – the soundtrack is the best. Plus my Dad and I always watch it together. It’s also consistently always on over holidays, so it’s a dependable movie.   

Hobbies: Looking for a job, hanging out with friends, dinner parties, baking, running, lacrosse, traveling, goofing around with my family, rock climbing, reading and frolicking.  

What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience in Cuba this January?: The chance to explore a part of the world that was entirely new to me! Instead of reading about it in a textbook, we had the opportunity to interact, explore and question a lot of assumed knowledge. Our group of Oles was fantastic, the Cubans we met were incredibly welcoming and it happened to be at least 70 degrees warmer then Minnesota. 


Wendy running around Cuba

Do you have a favorite (or go-to) pick-up line, and if so, would you share it?: I’m sending your pics to NASA because you’re a star. 

If you could own one exotic pet, what kind would you own and why?: A baby dinosaur – one of the herbivores. Otherwise I’d say a penguin. They waddle, are at home in the snow or on the beach and seem friendly. 

Describe yourself in one word: Spirited. 

Call or text?: I’d rather meet for coffee but calling is fine. 

What is your ideal date?: I’ve always wanted to learn how to sail, so learning that and then cooking a nice dinner together.    

Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when… he’s being a gentlemen. 

Finish this sentence: A girl looks her best when… she’s happy.  


What do you want the ladies of St. Olaf to know?: In the wise words of Nelson Mandela, “May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fear.”

All photos supplied from Wendy Raymond’s Facebook account, with permission

Maggie is a junior at St. Olaf, currently majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies with a concentration in media studies.  She runs for the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, writes for the school newspaper, and tries to do her homework in the downtime. Maggie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, biking, skiing, and swimming.  She's excited to be a part of the Her Campus community!  Um Ya Ya!