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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

Name: Alyssa Turkovich 

Nickname: Turk

Hometown: Bedford, PA

Grade: Junior

Major: Integrated Science


1. Why did you choose SVC as your college home?

I initially chose Saint Vincent College because it was close to home. Very few people from my high school attended this college, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to start fresh. I intended to play softball, meet new people, and exit my comfort zone. I transferred out the end of freshman year, but decided to come back because this place became my home away from home (that is a whole other story, ha!).

2. What are some things you do on campus/ hobbies?

I like to stay busy by being apart of SGA, Her Campus, work-study positions & going to the gym. I love hanging out with my beautiful friends, especially when coffee is involved! I stay active by going to the gym. I joined the Women’s Soccer team as well to keep me in shape.

3. What’s your favorite memory at SVC?

Favorite memory … Homecoming 2017. Even though some of those people were temporary, it was still one of the greatest memories I am able to take away from this place.

4. Who is your role model?

My role model … definitely my parents. They have to manage four dramatic daughters and I have no idea how they do it! They have shaped me into who I am today. I owe them the world.

5. Tell us something interesting about yourself that most people don’t know.

Most people don’t know that I joined the band in 8th grade to play the triangle. I was the mascot my sophomore year in high school, the mighty bison (yikes!). I also played guitar in high school which I would love to start playing again!


6. What are your future plans for after graduation?

After graduation I wish to pursue a career in Public Health. I want to research, exploit and diminish health epidemics that occur throughout different communities by writing articles, health journals, ads, etc. (:

Thank you, Alyssa! 





Brianna Scott

St Vincent '20

La vie est belle  Senior Accounting Major