Victoria Sarver is a very dedicated member of the Saint Vincent College Club Women In Business (WIB). This year Victoria is a senior finishing up her major in accounting. We were excited that we got the chance to interview Victoria because she is one of the sweetest girl’s that you’ll meet here at SVC.
Name: Victoria Sarver
Hometown: Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
Year: Senior
Major: Accounting
Height: 5’1 3/4
Have you ever been out of the country?:Â “Bahamas and Canada.”
Her Campus (HC): What made you choose St. Vincent?
Victoria Sarver (VS): “I didn’t want to come here at all because my cousin came here and I wanted to do my own thing. Then, during my get aquatinted day I spilled my breakfast all over Brother Norman, but after the tour I decided that I really liked it!”
HC: What’s your favorite thing about St. Vincent?
VS: “The community atmosphere. You get to know so many people. Your professors get to know you, which gives you the ability to get one-on-one attention in your classes.”
HC: What made you join Women in Business (WIB)?
VS: “We got to go to the Women and Business Conference my Sophomore year and I thought it was really cool to see all the successful women there, so I got really into it after attending that event.”
HC: What’s your role in WIB?
VS: “I’m just a member.”
HC: What events are WIB planning to hold this year?
VS: “The Community Meal, Care Packages for Union Mission on December 1st, the Designer Bag Raffle on November 16th and WIB New York Trip on February 18th – 21st.”
HC: Tell us a little about the New York Trip.
VS: “We go to The Colombia Women and Business Conference, which has different speakers to us and others. Also, at the conference there are different panels you can choose to go to about different topics. We get around 2 days of free time to explore the city as well.”
HC: What’s your favorite Starbucks drink?
VS: “Carmel Brulée Latté.”
HC: If you hadn’t come to St. Vincent where would you have gone?
VS: “Duquesne.”
HC: If you could pick a fictional movie character to switch places with, who would it be?
VS: “Olivia Pope from Scandal.”