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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at STCU chapter.

Since I can remember, I have always worried; I worry about anything and everything. Of course, being a college student means mounds of stress. Along with daily stress, those of us that have anxiety can relate to this: we have so much stress, and our nerves are all over the place! In order to function everyday, and hopefully wake up the next morning with a positive mindset, here are a few things that we can do to relieve stress and calm anxiety:

1. Make a to-do list every day.

Over the years, I have found that making lists is the best way to complete tasks for the day, and it feels great to cross it off when I’m done! Every night, make a to-do list of things that you know you need to accomplish the next day. Don’t leave out a single task, even the small ones matter. If you are really stressing, adding “eat breakfast” or “wake up” can help; you woke up, you already accomplished something that day! Once you’ve made this to-do list, put it away. Don’t look at it until the next morning; these are tomorrow’s tasks, not today’s.

2. Find what you enjoy to do.

Finding the activities that make you happy, or help you to feel calmer, are important in times such as these. When you are anxious or stressed, think about these activities. Does cleaning make you calm? If so, pick up your desk or make your bed. You’re exerting energy, and putting the negative thoughts into something productive. Does coloring make you happy? If so, pull out a coloring book and some brightly-colored markers and get to work! Whatever gives you joy and takes your mind off the negative thoughts, even for a few minutes, can really improve your mindset when you are ready to work again.

3. Take a break!

I get it, finals week, or any given day can be so stressful when it feels like we have homework in every class. However, working for hours on end doesn’t do well for your brain. Remember to get up, stretch, go for a walk, drink some water, etc. I like to follow the 45-15 rule; work for 45 minutes, then take a break for 15 minutes.

4. Self. Care.

This can be so important for both our mental and physical health! Self care can be anything from watching your favorite Netflix show, to going for a 30 minute run. Find something that treats both your body and mind well every single day. Eat healthy, work out, take breaks, you know the drill.

5. Breathe.

People often forget to mention this one. I’ve noticed that when I’m stressed or anxious, I either start to hold my breath, or I hyperventilate. This is not good! The lack of oxygen to our brain can be poor in so many ways: decrease motor-skill function, lack of energy, and so much more. Take a few seconds to just sit and breathe. Take a deep breath in, hold it for three seconds, and exhale out of your mouth. Do this as many times as you need to, until your breathing becomes steady again, and until you feel ready to get back to work; no rush!

I hope you give these tips a try, and if you have any more, we would love to hear from you! Until next time,


Andrea Duarte-Alonso is a grad from Saint Catherine University where she received her bachelor's of Art in Political Science, Women's Studies, and English. She founded HC STCU in order to include voices that are hardly ever represented in media. Andrea is a storyteller, writer, and a political enthusiast. Her areas of interest lie in writing (check her website storiesfromunheardvoices.com that was created for her community), traveling, and fighting for social justice issues.