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5 Tips for Surviving Finals Week!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stetson chapter.

1. DO: Find a place to Study. I know that I can’t study in my room or else I will get in bed and fall asleep. With that being said, try to avoid this temptation by finding where you can study best. Whether you go to DuPont library, Sage Hall, or in the common room of your Dorm hall. Hurry and find what’s best for you before finals come.  


2. DON’T: Be or study with Debby downers!  When you hear comments like: “I can’t study, I know I’m going to fail” or “This is stupid lets go out” tats a red flag! All of these phrases may seem usual they’re not going to help get any of your work done. Keep your head up, you only have one week left, you can do it! A positive outlook will change the way you look and do things, including your study habits.

3. DO: Get control.  Whatever you do if your final is coming up don’t go on Facebook or twitter. Making a status about your final is not going to help; neither is posting that picture of all your work on Instagram. Instead, you will most likely get distracted for a great period of time. If you can’t seem to gain this self control from within, go to the app store and purchase “forbidden websites,” or Download SelfControl online for your own benefit. It will help you not only concentrate but give you a much needed break from your news feed.

4. DON’T: Go partying! Yes you’re stressed out and need a study break. However, going out during finals week is probably the worst possible thing you can do to yourself. Save yourself from that bad grade, and say no. Finals will be over in a week, and then you can party all your little heart desires for a whole month. You can wait, study, study, study you’re almost done!

5. DO: try and stay healthy! Yes, this week may be stressful and overwhelming but forgetting to eat or indulging to much is not good for your body or your mind. Doing both these things will make you mentally and physically exhausted. So next time when you’re thinking about not going to eat to study more or using your hatter points at 2:oo A.M. for Dominos just remember it’s a bad idea!  Keep your sanity and recharge, take a nap and eat healthy. 

 Alayna Burton is a junior at Stetson University pursing a degree in Communications and Journalism. Alayna’s passion for Her Campus began last year when she co-founded her branch in 2011 serving as Director of Publicity and Events, and now Alayna hopes to successfully lead her branch to success as Stetson’s HC Editor in Chief. Outside of Her Campus Alayna is heavily involved with her school, her community and her sorority. Serving on numerous boards and teams including but not limited to Stetson’s event programming board Hatter Productions as Assistant Director, The Deland Community’s fundraising team GreenFeather Executive Board as a day coordinator, The Delta Delta Delta sorority Vice President of Membership, Alayna has gained valuable experience with working with people as well as insight into the world of event planning as well as marketing, branding and public relations. Future goals for Alayna include working in the field of Broadcast Journalism in the Entertainment Industry.