In the middle of the semester things might begin to get stressful, but something everyone can use to make any situation better is music. Music has many powers, including enhancing almost every emotion possible. There is pretty much a song for every occasion, so what about some tunes that are everything but sappy – and instead make your mood better with every upbeat lyric? So, here’s a list of seven songs that always boost my mood, and I hope will do the same for you too so that you get to feel those warm fuzzy feelings inside.
1.  “I’m a Believer” – The Monkees
An oldie, but a goodie. There’s no way to not smile and jam out when you hear the opening lyrics to this classic song.
2.  “Budapest” – George Ezra
From the moment I first heard this song, it instantly put me in a good mood. There’s something about the happy-go-lucky vibe of this song and Ezra’s smooth voice that has made me obsessed with Budapest!
3.  “Walkin’ on Sunshine” – Katrina
This song never fails to make everyone around sing their hearts out and dance, and the message behind the song too almost guarantees a mood boost!
4.  “ Wings” – Little Mix
This is the ultimate girl power song – a group of four strong, beautiful women from the United Kingdom singing about how they have the power to do anything they set their minds to.
5.  “Shake It Out” – Florence and the Machine
This is a beautiful song with an even more beautiful message.
6.  “What Do You Mean” – Justin Bieber
This year I have 100% caught Bieber fever and I know for a fact this is one of my favorite songs by him. I always catch myself in an instant good mood.
7. “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” – Whitney Houston
Another classic with a chorus that cannot possibly be sung without singing at the top of your lungs.