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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

25 Ways to Take Care of YOU

1. Schedule a time for mid-week self-care

2. Leave the lib early

3. Get a workout in

4. Eat your fav meal or some veggies

5. Get up in time to get yourself a cup of coffee and be early to class

6. Put on your best jeans and favorite shirt look good feel good am I right girls

7. Check your email heck clean out a few Monday Morning updates

8. Get in bed early and tell a few people you love them

9. Put your phone down for a little

10. Catch up on your fav show

11. Post those pics you’ve been putting off on Facebook

12. Clean up your room or that chair that has a million things piled on it from the weekend

13. Call home

14. Pick up a sammy from abp or a bagel from aces

15. Eat your favorite balanced meal at the cafe and bask in all your love for Sodexo

16. Call your summer BFF and laugh about all your adventures

17. Paint your nails but remember to give yourself enough time before you have class or get in bed #rip

18. Charge all your devices

19. Put a water bottle in the fridge for the morning

20. Figure out a time all your besties can get off campus even if it is just for a target trip!! Gotta make those memories always!!

21. Definitely, don’t light a candle in your dorm room!!!

22. Flip through all your favorite pictures from home or school or abroad

23. Clean your reusable water bottle!!!

24. Compliment yourself

25. Put on your fav playlist pre or post shower

Olivia Palombo

Stonehill '19

Senior at Stonehill Cape Cod
Marissa Bazzano

Stonehill '20

Student at Stonehill College from Hartford Connecticut.