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A College Student’s Guide to More Sleep: I tried changing my study schedule and you should too!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

When I started planning my schedule for this semester and realized I would have a dreaded 8:30 class every day of the week, I despised even the thought of waking up that early. Especially between all the late-night paper writing and studying I had done in the spring of last year, I couldn’t fathom having to get up early and be in classes until the evening. Changing up my study schedule has helped me in so many ways, and I just have to share my new habits! Even though not all of these skills will work for every major or even every semester, hearing someone else’s practices can sometimes bring things that you didn’t notice you wanted to change to light.

Study and work until a certain time

Figure out a time when you want to be done with working. I try to be done by around 7:30 p.m. so I have time to debrief from my day: whether it’s doing self-care or just seeing my friends, it’s nice to have time in my day that isn’t consumed by classwork. Some exceptions to the rule can happen, such as when I used my flexibility with this rule to get my midterms done on time. But, I’m still in bed at a decent time, intent on never pulling another all-nighter ever again! One of my advisors recommended this to me for time management, and it has been super helpful in making sure I maximize my sleep and health.

Limit distractions when working

I have always listened to music when studying, but I also tended to give myself too many unnecessary breaks to check my phone or scroll on social media. When I study and work now, I limit the amount of breaks I give myself. Especially with having a goal time to end my day, I work harder to be done before the time so that at night, I have more time to scroll and relax.

Make time to see your friends

While it can be difficult to be on the same page if you don’t share class or study schedules, try to make some time in your week to see your friends. Whether it’s nightly dinners, weekend hangouts, or study sessions during the day, find what works best for you without sacrificing your sleep.

Calendar and Plan Everything

Find a scheduling method that works for you and use it! Anything from class times to club meetings can be on your schedule, just experiment and find what works best for you! I build off of the times I know I have a commitment to plan when I can study, but I do not block off time to study within my calendar.

no naps between classes

This is not an easy one to follow, but stick with it! I love naps, but they throw off sleep cycles at night, reducing the amount of sleep you’re able to get. Of course, there are always days when you feel exhausted regardless of how long you slept the night before, but try your best to stay up!

Be kind to yourself

It can be extremely difficult to adjust habits, especially if you’ve been in college for a while, but your overall health needs to be what’s best and most productive for you. Don’t be too angry with yourself if it takes a while to adjust.

Has it worked for me?

As hesitant as I was to implement all these skills, they have worked so well in allowing me to get more sleep and to have more personal time! Even though I still dread morning classes and most of the people around me think I am ridiculous for going back to my dorm room after dinner, I feel like I get more than enough sleep while getting all of the work I need to get done. I was impressed at how well I did with the change, especially because I am admittedly a procrastinator with most of my work. But through this new routine, I have found that I can do everything ahead of time and still be able to have a personal life. If you’re looking to change your habits, it’s never too late!

Briana Reidy

Stonehill '26

Bri is the Senior Editor for Stonehill HerCampus! Bri is a junior Secondary Education and English double major in Easton, MA. Bri is interested in music (specifically Harry Styles), self care, and reading.