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Celebrate Yourself This Valentine’s Day

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Are you dreading the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday like many other people? Does walking by those aisles filled with Valentine’s decor make you want to curl up in a ball? Does this holiday remind you of a past relationship? You’re not alone. Here are a few ways to make this Valentine’s Day about loving yourself and not focusing on the fact that you are “alone,” because you aren’t alone.

  1. Reflect on your past year. February is still the beginning of the year. Look back on all you have overcome the past year and celebrate it! Whether you got out of a bad relationship, picked up a new hobby, started a new job, or traveled somewhere new, all these aspects of life are things to be celebrated. Pick up a journal and write down everything you are proud of yourself for and set goals for the upcoming year, if you haven’t already. You are strong, and this Valentine’s Day, focus on being proud of yourself for the little things you have overcome and accomplished! 
  2. Do something that makes your body feel good. Working out is something that gives you time to focus on your body and how you are feeling mentally and physically. If you are not someone who enjoys going to the gym, go for a walk or a bike ride, but it is important to stay active! Then follow up with #3- 
  3. Buy that chocolate you passed in the CVS aisle. Treat yourself to something sweet, curl up in your comfy bed, and turn on your favorite rom-com. But instead of crying over the cute couple in the movie and wishing that was you, look forward to the future and what will come. You will find your very own rom-com guy or girl soon enough. Don’t rush it and live in the moment!

(My romance movie recommendations: Anything Nicholas Sparks, such as The Choice, The Longest Ride, The Notebook)

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4. Hang out with your friends! I am sure you are not the only person in your inner circle spending Valentine’s Day without a significant other. Go out to dinner with friends, go to a movie with them, and surround yourself with the people who love you. Having a solid foundation of friends around you during difficult times is crucial to thriving, so make plans to spend February 14 surrounded by the people you love and those who love you!

5. If you are craving that alone time, do something solo. Get out of town for the day and find an interesting restaurant, an old bookstore, or take a walk on a beach. You could also try out that recipe for yourself that you have saved in your TikTok favorites for weeks. Pamper yourself with a spa day somewhere or at home. Whatever you choose to do this Valentine’s Day, make sure it is for YOU and only YOU!

You are loved and receiving a Valentine’s Day card from someone does not depict your worth! Celebrate yourself this Valentine’s Day and every day!

Piper Tinory

Stonehill '24

Stonehill College Class of 2024 Psychology Major Criminology Minor Member of Lux et Spes Society From Barnstable, MA