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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

My Curl Beginnings 

I have put my curly head of hair through the wringer in my twenty years of life. Beginning in my early years, my hair was crazy, I just let it be as it was. I was a little girl, so I didn’t have time to worry about what my hair looked like. With curly hair, one day the curls are just right, and you love them, but the next it could be all wrong. As I got older, this idea started to bug me. My hair got longer, and I was very aware of others’ opinions, as well as girls with straight hair and perfectly tamed waves. This led to my phase of the headband. This is hard for me to talk about because what was I thinking? I couldn’t leave the house without a gosh darn headband. This meant that I didn’t ever show a center part or let my true curls be free.

Up next, we had the time when I wore my hair in tight braids, which again still didn’t allow me to figure out my hairstyle and what it truly could be. This is all to say that I eventually figured out how to style my hair to show its full volume and curls, the curls that I was born with and made to show. While this is just hair on my head, it may seem a bit strange to go through of this. To some it may be, but I believe your hair can say so much about you, and let you express a glimpse into who you are. 

My Curl Findings 

I am so happy to say that today, I love my curls so much. It took time, as mentioned, to try out many different products and techniques to be able to love them. I got rid of the side part and let it just be with a little guidance on my end. My inspiration for my current hair is based on the little girl I see in pictures with places to be and no time for worries. I like how my curls can mean so much more. I now let my hair grow long, using products for healthier and stronger curls. I have found that it is important to let my hair air dry out of the shower, often in a low and loose ponytail. I make sure that I limit putting on shirts or sweatshirts when my hair is wet because then I will be saying hello to some frizz. While it now often settles down as it dries fully, it can be annoying. I use limited product, currently using the Shea Moisture “curl smoothie” product, where I put a little bit through the ends of my hair. Then on with my day, I let it dry fully before just leaving it down or putting it in a low bun. I also am loving the half up, half down style right now, which is my new go to look.  

I hope that some of this helps you in knowing that your hair is awesome and don’t be afraid to try to new things. It can be helpful; in that, it is something to explore. It can also boost confident. Your hair is a big part of you, even when you don’t think so, but it has been with you forever, so show it some love.  


Chloe Hannan

Stonehill '25

Chloe Hannan is the publicity coordinator for HerCampus at Stonehill College! She is a senior and is from Kent, Connecticut. She is majoring in Business Management and minoring in Entrepreneurship. She loves to read, write, bake, workout, and spend time with her family.