Late to work, didn’t have time to eat breakfast and need something quick on the go? There is a Dunkin Donuts on your way and you’re thinking perfect I’ll just go through the drive thru and grab a bagel and a coffee and I’ll be good to go! You order your favorite kind of bagel toasted with cream cheese and a large iced coffee to get you through the long work day. You are greeted by the friendly DD worker, pay for your breakfast and drive away. This day is defintiely looking up! You reach into the bag, salivating over the smell of the warm toasted bagel, and your heart is torn to shreds……THEY DIDN”T PUT THE FREAKIN CREAM CHEESE ON THE FREAKIN BAGEL. I have to say I think it is one of my biggest pet peeves when Dunkin does this. It is a damn drive thru for a reason! It is even worse when you need something quick on the go and the cream cheese isn’t on the bagel. My heart sinks everytime I feel that cold circular container at the bottom of the bag. What is one supposed to do? Pull over and spread the cream cheese yourself? No, no one has time for that… Put it on while you’re driving? Definitely not!!!! I lose serious respect everytime I go through the DD drive thru and this happens. It is seriously time Dunkin stops doing this and takes the extra couple seconds to spread the cream cheese….
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.