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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

What have you been doing for self-care recently? If your unable to answer this question, then it might be time to evaluate your mental health. Personally, in the middle of a pandemic and a semester of school with no breaks, it is a tough question to answer. I feel like I am drowning in homework, and instead of being one step ahead of all my assignments, I am always one step behind. It is hard to get ahead on schoolwork when there is no vacation time. The reason for no breaks is because of COVID-19. While I am happy my school is prioritizing students’ and faculty’s safety and health by choosing to send us home before the cold winter months, I am not going to lie it’s been difficult.

Mental health is not an easy subject to talk about, even though many suffer from mental illnesses. I’m not sure if anyone can relate, but I feel it’s easier to struggle on my own rather than telling someone and putting the burden on their shoulders. Whatever your fight is and whatever your reasons are, I want you to know you are not alone. Remember, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Hold on to any hope you have. You may be in the darkness right now, not able to see a speck of light, but it is there, you have to hold on and trust the state you are in because you will get there.

For me, the light at the end of the tunnel is my two-month extended winter break. I know that all this hard work – long nights of studying and endless zoom calls – will pay off in a few weeks when I will have no work and can fully relax. And on my worst days, when winter break is too far, out of reach, I take it slower. I take it day by day, hour by hour, and sometimes even minute by minute. My advice that I should probably take for myself is that you deserve more credit than you give yourself. No matter what you are struggling with, you are a fighter. It is important to see the good in every day, and if there is no good, you must create something. Maybe watching a movie on Netflix, indulging in a chocolate bar, or simply relaxing and doing absolutely nothing brings you joy. Don’t let your mental health battle take over; remember to put yourself first.

Here are some of my favorite relatable mental health quotes that I hope can help those who are struggling:

  • “You can still love yourself and be a work in progress”
  • “From the outside looking in, it’s hard to understand. From the inside looking out, it’s hard to explain”
  • “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, always.”
  • “It’s okay not to be okay”
  • “Setbacks don’t equal failure”
  • “And if today, all you did was hold yourself together. I am proud of you”
  • “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first”





Kelly Lewis

Stonehill '22

Kelly Lewis is a campus correspondent for the Stonehill Chapter. She is a senior at Stonehill College studying Communication and Journalism. She is from Portsmouth, RI. Kelly's hobbies include writing, working out, watching Disney movies, baking, and attempting DIY projects from Pinterest. One of Kelly's favorite activities is going to the beach with her friends. In the future, Kelly hopes to travel and blog her experiences!