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Stonehill Senior Insights: Relieving Stress While at College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Now that we are in the midst of the fall semester, Stonehill students’ course loads have kicked into high gear, and this can often cause stress levels to rise. I’m always searching for different ways to relieve stress while at college because a lot of times the stress of our academic workloads can be overwhelming. Not only are students expected to balance the workload of five courses, but we are also balancing jobs, internships, and extracurricular activities on top of that. That is why I thought it would be fun to ask some of my friends on campus what their go-to stress relievers are while they’re at college. Hopefully, you can find some different stress-relieving activities that you can utilize when your workload gets a little overwhelming while you’re on campus! 

“What are some of your go-to ways to relieve stress while at college?”

Kelly Lewis: “College causes the majority of my stress because of all the assignments, deadlines, and commitments. I always feel like I’m just barely keeping my head above the water. One of the ways I like to destress is taking walks around campus and listening to music. We have a beautiful campus, so I like to take advantage of it.”

Melissa McCarthy: “As a senior in college, it can still be hard to find a balance of academics and self-care. When I feel under pressure and stress, I like to exercise it all out. Working out helps keep my physical and mental health in check. I also like to take care of my plants in the greenhouse! Watering, repotting, and planting seeds has become very therapeutic for me. I encourage others to buy some plants and take care of them. It could help relax the nervous system and channel stress in another way!”

Elizabeth Ednie: “I really find that working out, especially in the mornings before I do anything really helps me relieve stress. It makes me feel refreshed and ready for the day.”

Sarah Bloom: “One of the things I love to do to relieve stress while on campus is I like to do yoga to help me relax. I love yoga. I feel like it just relaxes every part of my body so whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed with assignments, I love to do a yoga practice.”

Abby Campbell: “Some of my go-to ways to relieve stress are playing video games, writing, sleeping, coloring, and hanging with my cat.”

Emily Demanchyk: “Whenever I’m ever stressed at school my go-to stress reliever is going to the gym. The gym allows me to work out and listen to music and shut everything else out for a bit. After a workout, I always feel so much better mentally and physically”

Elisha Brinkman: “Ways to relieve stress for me are exercising (field hockey, running, lifting), watching Netflix or TV, and reading.”

Claire Mason: “One way I relieve stress is by running! It helps to clear my mind and get fresh air while running with friends and is a good break from schoolwork!”

Erin Sousa: “To relieve stress I like to run on the treadmill while blasting some Jennifer Lopez and Shakira.” 

Krista Stracqualursi: “One of my go-to ways to help relieve stress at school is working out. I also love being able to spend time with my suitemates and having movie nights.”

Hi! My name is Natalie and I am a senior at Stonehill College pursuing a Marketing and Communication double major. I also have a passion for graphic design and creative writing!