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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

It’s not a surprise that most people can suffer from a UTI but don’t talk about it. For those who don’t know what a UTI is, it stands for Urinary Tract Infection and happens when bacteria gets into your urinary tract which consists of your bladder, kidneys and the tubes that connect the two. If you find yourself consistently getting UTIs without knowing why, it’s possible you don’t know how to prevent them.  

1. Drink Water!

Not only is water good for keeping you hydrated, but it’s also good for preventing a UTI from happening. Drinking water can help clear the bacteria from your bladder and urinary tract.

2. Pee After Sex!

In article by Cosmo, Maura Quinlan, MD, a Chicago-based OB-GYN said, “It’s got an adorable medical term: honeymoon cystitis, because people would come home from their honeymoon with a UTI from having frequent sex.” says Maura Quinlan, MD, a Chicago-based OB-GYN. Having sex can cause bacteria to get stuck in your vagina and bladder which can lead to an infection.

3. Go to the Bathroom When You Need To!

Holding your pee in can be a huge factor when it comes to UTIs. Peeing is one of the ways your body cleans itself and preventing it from doing that isn’t good. Just like drinking water, going to the bathroom when you need to is important.

Of course, these aren’t the only ways to prevent UTIs. If you have one that continues for more than a couple of months, you should see your doctor. It’s possible that you have a recurrent UTI. According to EverydayHealth, recurrent UTIs account for 8.3 million doctor visits a year and about 1 in every 5 women will be diagnosed with one. Seeing your doctor about it could be the best course of action!


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Journalism, Stony Brook University Sophmore, Long Island
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor