I often find myself running around from place to place during the semester, with little concern for my next meal. Many times, I neglect my health and diet choices for the sake of time and efficiency. Over the winter break, I found a few healthier options that I could substitute for some of my daily choices. They aren’t extreme, expensive, nor time consuming. They are just simple tips that I use to try to be more healthy. They are tips that I prefer for myself, but if you have questions about your own diet talk to you physician or dietician!
1) Almond milk instead of regular milk. At first I was hesitant. After trying almond milk, I tasted no difference! It is rich in vitamin E which is an antioxidant and it is low calorie in comparison to whole milk. I use almond milk in shakes or anytime I am eating cereal.
2) Frozen yogurt or pudding instead of ice cream. Trust me. You probably have already tried frozen yogurt, but seriously! I like this substitution because many diets nowadays require you to give up so many foods without a healthy balance. If you love ice cream and have that sweet tooth, replace it for frozen yogurt instead.
3) Whole grain pita chips instead of potato chips. Instead of salty and fattening  potato chips, switch to pita chips. By the way, pita chips are delicious. I find that for the same amount of potato chips they are more filling.
4) Crystal light instead of sugary drinks. I actually do not mind drinking water at all. However, I know that for many people, drinking plain water is like torture. If you insist on drinking juice or sodas and can’t give up those flavors, switch to crystal light. They have flavors such as lemonade, strawberry lemonade, grape, orange, iced tea etc. It is a lot less sugar and it gets you to drink a lot of water in disguise.
5) Add in veggies to your shakes. If you are like me… you are a very picky eater. I have always struggled to eat my daily serving of leafy greens. One way I found is when I make shakes with banana and strawberry, I throw in spinach or any vegetables that I have available. With some peanut butter or banana, it masks the flavor of the vegetables that I wouldn’t normally eat plain.
If you want to start making healthier food choices, it doesn’t always have to be an extreme new diet plan. The thing about creating healthier food habits is that by simply swapping out one item on your diet plan, you are helping yourself more than you think. Let these little changes build up until you have a new way of eating and feeling!