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Introducing your new favorite artist: Qveen Herby

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

If you like rap, feminism, self love and spirituality. Then I have the perfect artist for you to add to your playlists. 

The up-and-coming artist Qveen Herby went viral on TikTok for her songs “ Abracadabra” and “Sugar Daddy”. Her songs are all rooted in her deep passion for self-care, self-growth and of course self-love. This is actually her second musical career, her first was with a duo named “Karmin”, some of their hits included classic 2000s bops like “Brokenhearted” and “Acapella”. 

Her evolution from Karmin to Qveen Herby was done as she grew more into her spiritual side and her authentic energy. While she is now married to the other singer in the original duo, she is more evolved than ever before. 

Her songs now are a mix of R&B, pop, and rap. Herby’s music is full of good energy, manifestation, self-love, feminism, health, and ambition. Her personality truly shines in every song she puts out. My personal favorites right now are “Check” and “Stretch Marks”. Her music is filled with a unique touch of genuine self-love and spiritual messages. She is the perfect artist to listen to when you aren’t feeling your best or when you need to show yourself some love. 

She has MANY songs that embody the same themes of self-compassion, female empowerment, and good vibes because that is truly where her passions lie. I truly enjoy listening to her and she is quickly becoming my favorite artist. I think is doing such an amazingly unique job of finding her place in the industry, whilst keeping her authentic voice heard. I highly recommend listening to her music and embracing your inner divine diva. 

Sydney Riddle

Stony Brook '23

Sydney Riddle is graduating a semester early in December 2023 at Stony Brook University. She is a Journalism major with a concentration in Diversity and American Society. She is a devote feminist who spends her time watching romantic-comedies, reality shows and reading spiritual books. She is an animal lover at heart and loves spending her free time with her dog. On the weekends you can catch her doing yoga and shopping at Target :)