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Meet Samantha Rosen: “Why is it such a big deal that I want to be an engineer?”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.
Name: Samantha Rosen
Year: Junior
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Seaford, New York
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Why did you choose your major?
“I originally was a chemistry major because I love chemistry and math. Once I heard about chemical engineering I switched my major because you can do more with it, such as working with sustainable energy, which is what I want to do, and you make more money.” 
Do you believe that there are stereotypes/misconceptions surrounding women in STEM fields? If so, what are they?
“Yes. A common misconception is that only guys can be engineers. There definitely are not a lot of girls in my program but I think that’s mostly due to girls thinking they aren’t capable of doing it, when they are just as capable if not, more than guys.”
Do you believe that you receive different treatment from other students because you are female? What about from professors?
“A lot of the time people are actually shocked that I’m a CME major which gets a little old. Why is it such a big deal that I want to be an engineer? I’ve never received any type of negative comments or views on the fact that I’m a girl in this major except for one time when a professor asked me an extremely rude and degrading question: ‘What makes you think you’ll be hired when there are so many guys in the field?’ Which was just ridiculous and uncalled for. Things like that just make me want to work harder.” 
What advice can you give to an incoming female freshmen entering into the STEM field?
“I would definitely tell them to be confident and never doubt your self. I’m not going to lie it gets extremely challenging especially being a girl because you tend to feel like you always need to prove yourself but just remember how great it will feel when you become that engineer or scientist or anything else you always wanted to become.”
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Stony Brook

Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor