College is fun, but it can also be a time where the first sting of failure is felt. Maybe it is walking into a final that is worth 40% of the semester grade, only to blank out, or maybe it is going all out for an e-board position only to not get it. As disappointing as those things are, big dreams and hopes won’t be destroyed by failure and here’s why:
Everyone Fails
Some people may not admit it, but they’ve failed and so have we all. Walt Disney was once told that he lacked imagination before founding one of the best known motion-picture production companies. Bill Gates dropped out of college only to fail at founding a company called Traf-O-Data, before Microsoft was born. Failure has become taboo in our society because solely images of people succeeding are shown. Everyone fails, and although it feels embarrassing, we can use those struggles as a means to achieve greatness.
Failure Can be Learned From
Even the best have room for improvement and most individuals learn life lessons from failure. Failure causes one to pause, take a step back, and reflect on where they want to go next and how to get there. After failing, ask not only the question of what did I do wrong but also the question of what do I have to do to do it right. We have to improve in order to survive and failure can be the means by which we learn how to grow.
Failure Fosters Strength
Some people fail and then give up on everything they have ever wanted. In order to fail correctly, one must get up after falling, be stronger and try again. Failure makes you want to achieve your goals more and it makes you fight harder to conquer them.
Failure Reduces Fear
People who have never failed fear failure. They play it safe and don’t take risks that put them out there. But, people who have failed know that it isn’t the scariest thing and they are willing to take more chances to succeed.
Failure Makes Success Sweeter
Succeeding at the first try is too easy to be fulfilling. Imagine becoming number one after putting in your own effort, filled with sweat and hard work, to get there. Failure is an opportunity to come back and hit the game stronger than before.
Failure can be okay because we can learn from it and it makes us stronger. It makes us less scared and in the end, our success more rewarding.
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