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5 Ways to Motivate Yourself this Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

Whether it’s your first year at university or you are returning to campus after summer, getting into a routine in the first few weeks seems impossible with all the social events, as well as juggling your new classes and fitting in part time work. However, it’s also a great opportunity for you to try out something new and get yourself motivated to stick to a fitness regime. Plus, getting involved on campus is a great way to meet people, socialize and kick start that post fresher’s fitness regime!


1. Time for some retail therapy!

As a self-confessed Nike addict myself, I honestly think investing in new gym clothes at the start of the semester is one of the best ways to get yourself motivated. Student loan in, sorted. Now it’s time to freshen up your gym gear. Starting the year off with suitable and trendy work out attire leaves you with no excuse but to show them off! Also, the more workout clothes you have, the less chance there is of you not going to the gym when you haven’t had time to do laundry that day!

2. Join the Gym

The University offers a great gym membership, whether you want a yearly gym membership, a semester membership, or even pay as you go! Joining the gym is a great way to keep you motivated, as it is located in the center of campus. The CV suit at the gym is open from 7am – 9.30pm Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 4.30pm on Saturdays and 1pm-4.30pm on Sundays. With great shower and changing facilities, it makes fitting a workout in before or during classes a great way to keep in shape with those busy schedules.

3. Get your friends involved

Exercising alongside a friend is a great way to keep you motivated! It’s much harder to turn down a workout when you have made plans with someone!

4. Join a class at the gym

Joining a class at the gym is a great way to mix up your workouts, especially if you are not a big fan of working out in the gym. The university gym offers a huge selection of exercise classes, from spin classes to yoga. These classes run throughout the week and also on a Saturday, so there is something to fit into everyone’s schedule.

5. Get Involved

Joining a sports team is a great way to meet people who share the same interests as you. As well as workout sessions, they also provide the perfect opportunity for you to form great friendships. Most have regular social meetings, so there will be plenty of excuses for a good night out!

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Carly Ramsay3rd Year Undergraduate StudentStudying Geography and Law