April is here, and that means one thing… exam season is upon us! The dreaded time of stress, cramming and breakdowns has arrived – who said being a student is easy?? We have to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 2 weeks a year! Here are six telltale signs that exam season is in full swing:
1. The constant guilt. Doing ANYTHING but what we should be doing, but feeling toootaalllyy guilty about it.
2. Did we even learn this? Finally giving up the procrastination and starting to revise, but hold on a minute…. this is all completely new information…did we ever learn this?? How can I re-vise when I didn’t VISE in the first place??
3. I should have gone to the lectures… Realising the information is all new because you had TOTALLY good excuses to not go to the lectures in the first place; brunch, coffee dates, beauty sleep….
4. Do I even need a degree?? Maybe all this stress isn’t worth it… my part time job isn’t too bad, is it?
5. Maybe a nap would help… Okay, maybe I do want this degree. If I want to be productive, I need to feel refreshed and ready to learn… nap time!
6. I can smell the SUMMER!! I can’t concentrate because I can’t stop thinking of summer! The shimmering sea, the crystal blue sky, the smell of the hot air, maybe a cocktail (or two…or three…), and stress-free FREEDOM!
You are not alone with these thoughts, we are all having them with you! Hang in there, we can do it!!
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