We are barely into the first semester of 2014/2015 and already its been super busy! So imagine our excitement to receive our Her Campus Back-To-School Survival Kit! We were so excited by it that we thought we would share it with everyone!
We received lots of exciting goodies from Her Campus HQ this semester and we are very lucky girls!
We just love Affinitas Cupcake Panties! They are super cute and come in adorable cupcake packaging! What more can a girl ask for! Want to know more about Affinita? Like them on Facebook at facebook.com/affinitasintimates or you can follow them @affinitasintima on Twitter and @affinitas on Insatgram.
Next we got Tanda Zap buy one get one 50% off a Tanda Zap acne spot treatment device- talk about an absolute lifesaver! Intrigued as we are? Like them on Facebook at facebook.com/tanda or follow them on Twitter at @tanda.
We have our study break sorted with Chipotle, buy one get one free burrito card! Hungry and want to know more? Like them on Facebook at facebook.com/chipotle or better yet follow Chipotle on Twitter @chipotletweets or on Instagram @chipotlemexicangrill.
Knowledge is definitely power! That’s why we love Clue! The must have app for all the ladies. Clue tells you when your period is coming, which 6 days your most likely to get pregnant and when your mood is connected to your cycle! It’s the ultimate app! You can get in on this little gem too! Download the app for free at www.helloclue.com/HerCampus. Also follow Clue on Twitter @helloclue and like them (because Facebook won’t let you love yet) on Facebook at facebook.com/Helloclue.
Last but by very no means least Her Campus HQ were extremely good to us and sent Garnier, Blackhead Eliminating Scrub and Nourishing Cleansing Oil! Talk about spoiling us! Garnier give a lot of love and we must return the favour so like them on Facebook at facebook.com/garnierusa and follow them on Twiiter and Instagram @garnierusa.
So excited to give all our treat a whirl! We like to thank all of the Her Campus sponsors that treated us to such amazing goodies and to Her Campus HQ for sending our treats across the Atlantic!
We have definitely been spoiled!Â