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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SUBR chapter.

The end of the semester is fast approaching, and so are finals. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and filled with anxiety, as most students do. While exams are in full effect and it is a priority, so is your mental health. To do your best, you need to be in the best condition. There are multiple ways to prepare for finals without feeling burnt out. The most important step in preparing for finals is not to procrastinate. Investing in good studying techniques such as active recall and mind mapping, can make studying feel less like a task. Studying with friends or classmates can not only be a form of bonding but also offers a new perspective of the information that was taught. It is important to remember that your test scores do not define you as a person. So, from one stressed college student to the next, here are some tips to stay grounded during finals! 

  1. Do not wait until the last minute to study  

An article done by Seattle Pi, discusses the disadvantages of cramming for tests. Such as high levels of stress, lack of retention, information overload, and lower test scores. During the time finals is taking place, it is important to manage your time wisely. Studying a bit of each subject is better than deep-diving into one specific subject. This technique allows your brain to not become overwhelmed with information and grow tired.  

  1. Breaks are important 

Cornell Health released an article that proves “taking purposeful breaks helps increase your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.” Taking small breaks anywhere from 5-30 minutes can help you feel energized and improve your ability to focus. While most people want to get on their phone in terms of a “break,” this does not benefit you. A meaningful break consists of activities that allow you to move your body and focus on anything besides your work.  

  1. Switch up your studying techniques 

Studying can be affected by a multitude of factors. Such as the environment and the study techniques that you’re using. Using the same technique or studying in the same place over and over again will feel draining. Switching it up and trying new things will keep your brain from becoming bored. An article by Penrhos College, breaks down the benefits of studying by yourself and with others.   

  1. Eat well-balanced meals 

Make time from your busy schedule to go to the cafe in search of a balanced meal. Snacking on food such as nuts, berries, and dark chocolate can help improve your focus and fuel your brain during your study session. It is also important to eat a full nourishing meal. An article by 300 hours discusses the four nutrients your brain needs-glucose, amino acids, antioxidants, and unsaturated fats.  

  1. Putting time aside for yourself 

Between attending class and using your additional time to study, it is also important to have some time to yourself. Doing activities that make you happy can make studying more enjoyable. Activities such as resting, reading, or doing your favorite hobby can help you feel more energized and productive when it’s time to study. 

Remember, preparing for finals will really test you and put you to the test, literally. Make sure to get proper rest during this timeframe to ensure your mind and body are prepared. By maintaining your peace of mind, taking care of yourself, and believing in your abilities, you will do just fine. It may not seem like you are prepared, but you are. Take a deep breath and believe in yourself, you got this!

Hello! I am Myracle Stokes, a freshman at Southern University A&M majoring in criminal justice. I was born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana. My interests and hobbies include makeup and hair. Through this journey, I hope to make connections with my peers!