1. Be a “Yes” Girl – A new semester means new opportunities. Say yes to going out with new friends, participating in new activities, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Keep busy by discovering new hobbies and interests that keep you out of your dorm and exploring Boston.
2. Shop New Courses – Choose a class you know nothing about. It is great to challenge your mind by engaging in something new. We all have requirements to fulfill, but you never know, this choice could lead to a new minor!
3. Make Your Room Yours – It makes an enormous difference when your room feels like your own. Invest in a cozy throw blanket or a lavender plant to soften up the room. You can even add a fragrance your room! Or just simply frame your favorite pictures of your hometown friends for your wall to make you feel right at home. You will be amazed how much of a difference these small additions make!
4. Don’t be shy – You study at a small school, so take advantage of it! Speak up in class, sit in the front, and make sure the professor notices you. Have real conversations with your classmates. You most likely share the same major, so you will have a lot in common with these people! Ask them to go out to lunch, and get to know them. You can never have too many acquaintances.
5. Set healthy routines – Dining halls can be tempting when there is warm, cheesy pizza sitting next to cold, bland greens, but do not fall into the trap! Take a trip to Whole Foods at 181 Cambridge Street or Trader Joe’s on 899 Boylston Street, and pick up healthy options that are quick and easy for you to prepare. Also, go sign up at a gym close by with a friend, and coordinate classes you can take together that work with your schedules. A healthy girl is a happy and successful girl!