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A Guide to Scorpio Season, By Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

As of October 23, Scorpio season has officially begun. Libra season gave us a breath of fresh air, but it’s now time to prepare yourself to be guided by intense emotion for the upcoming month. From now until November 22, you will experience a transformative era where you will introspectively dive deep and confront those feelings you’ve been holding back. According to the zodiac, Scorpio can be seen as the most emotional of all the signs, but they never share those feelings with anyone. Every zodiac sign experiences this season differently. Below I will discuss just how this scorpio season will affect you and how to handle it all. 


First and foremost: Happy Birthday! This is your time to shine. I hope you spent Libra season recharging, because it is time to start making moves in your life. Your zodiac is all about rebirth and change which is exactly what is in store for you this month. You are the main character, so try something new like confessing your feelings to your crush. I know talking about your emotions is not something you may be used to, but it’s time to shoot your shot. Anything you initiate this season will be long-lasting and important for months to come, so start plotting. 


You need to take a step back and put everything on pause for a moment. This season is all about taking a breather, so you will be ready for your birthday. It’ll be a long, lonely month, but the reward that comes once Sagittarius season arrives will outweigh it all. Scorpio season is forcing you to dive deep into your past and all that you have accomplished thus far. It was no easy feat for you to be here today, but you did it. It’s important to think about your success, but it is equally as important to acknowledge your setbacks and the baggage you bring into relationships. You need to work on yourself in order to improve any relationship you are in or one that may come to be.  


The sun in Scorpio is activating your chart’s zone of friendship, so this season will certainly add a little spice to those platonic relationships. Whether it is a good spice or bad spice is up to how you handle it. All your fake friends will be shining light on themselves this season, so be sure to let them walk right out the door to make room for all those who love you for who you are. You will be cultivating a more intimate bond with your true friends, so focus on that. People are drawn to you this season, so you will be making friends wherever you go. Just remember, not everyone you meet will have true intentions, so be cautious on who you let enter your innermost layer. 


This season everything you do will be noticed, as all eyes are on you. It is important to focus on your work and career because new opportunities are coming your way. Put in all your effort because with everyone watching, it is not the time to trip and fumble. If you work hard, it will pay off and you will be rewarded; whether that’s a job offer, a promotion, a pay raise, etc. However, if you do not bring your A game it will be noticed as well. It is the perfect time to take a social media cleanse to pour your focus into your career. You are at your most vulnerable right now and with all eyes on you it is important to show them everything you bring to the table. 


Adventure is calling your name, Pisces. This season is all about travel and broadening your horizons. Try to experience at least one new thing a day, so by the end of Scorpio season you will come out a much more well-rounded individual. Although you will feel inspired to explore new places, remember it is just as important to explore your emotions and where you come from. Allow this month to help you expand your perspective and learn from those around you. 


Your love life is a little rocky at the moment, and this season will surely either mend the hearts or crash and burn the relationship to the ground once and for all. You have some reservations that are preventing you from reaching your full potential, but it is important for you to do some spiritual digging this month and define what it is you want. Make sure to have those important discussions with your partner, but be extremely careful to not allow anything to turn into a fight. You need to focus on listening to your other half and finding a compromise. If you do that and make it out of this season alive, then your relationship will be stronger than ever. 


This season is a pivotal time for Taurus relationships. Whether you currently have a partner/love interest or you are thriving and single, your love life is about to make a complete shift. It is a great time to let go of connections that no longer serve your best interest. Maybe your partner is holding you back from achieving your dreams and you need to move on, or maybe it’s time to finally leave behind your toxic ex once and for all. Whatever it may be, the only people you should surround yourself with are those who truly want what’s best for you. If you are currently single, this season is the best time to find that someone special, just in time for the holidays. Put yourself out there and you will not regret it. 


These past few months have not been your greatest, but it’s time to get your shit together. It’s time to do all that work you’ve been saying you’ll do later and never got around to. Use this season to reorganize your schedule and focus on self care. Your life may have seemed like it got busy out of nowhere, but in reality you’ve just fallen behind in many aspects of your life. This may seem like an extremely daunting task, but there is no need for you to do it all alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Those who care about you will assist, no questions asked. Take note of those people who are there for you when you need it the most. Just remember to get plenty of rest this season.  


This season was made for Cancer’s to thrive. It will feel much easier to step out of your comfort zone and be yourself than it may have in the past. You’re more attractive, confident, creative and simply just glowing. It is the perfect time to find yourself an exciting new crush. This month is all about having fun and finding what brings you the most joy. Tap into your creative side and discover a new hobby or talent you didn’t know you had. No matter what, your confidence will shine through this season. 


It is time to dive deep into your past and get all sentimental. Take some time to reset at home with your family and focus on healing. All those memories from your past, both good and bad, will be coming back to you, so be prepared. You need this time to heal, but you don’t need to do it all alone. Recruit your friends to be by your side when you need them the most. This is going to be a difficult month to get through, so remember to practice much needed self care and rest. You will want to be recharged and ready for when Sagittarius season rolls around in a few weeks. 


I know there have been some unanswered questions you’ve been pawning over. Well this is the time to get those answers. Lean into your spiritual side to discover whatever it is that’s been on your mind. You are thinking extremely clearly this month, so if there’s been any important discussions you’ve been meaning to have, do it now! Your words hold great weight, so make sure you choose them carefully and wisely. Whatever you do, make sure to listen to your gut feelings this month because they will not lead you astray. 


Scorpio season is all about prioritizing both your monetary and emotional investments. Use this time to review your budget and create some realistic new plans. Think about spending your money wisely and not splurging every time you have a dollar in your pocket. This goes for your relationships as well. Are you pouring your entire soul and being into a person who is not reciprocating? It is time to rethink which relationships deserve your time and energy. Let go of those who are not fulfilling you. This season it’s important for you to focus on your self worth. 

Scorpio season will bring out the best and the worst of each sign causing many ups and downs.  Emotions are running amok this month, so be careful when making decisions. If you take the time to dive deep inside and focus on yourself, you’ll be able to make it through to November 22. 

Kayla is a Junior Journalism major at Suffolk University. She was previously a student at Hofstra University where she wrote for both Her Campus Hofstra and the Hofstra Chronicle. She was also assistant copy chief at the Chronicle. She is currently a service intern at Kids in Tech where she runs tech clubs for kids aged 8-14 years old. When not studying or working, she likes to spend her time shopping, writing, and hanging out with her cat!