Name: Angela Cakridas
Year: 2014Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Major: Marketing Major/Business Law Minor
Hometown: Canton, Ma
Sign: Libra
Chelsea: Could you tell us about the product you came up with?
The product I came up with is essentially a makeup brush that acts as a storage unit to the rest of your makeup brushes. From the outside it looks like a normal kabuki styled brush but when you open it, it nicely stores four other brushes.
Chelsea: How did you come up with the idea?
I came up with this idea while I was on vacation with my family. I had my makeup brushes with me and I found there was no sanitary way to store them without the tips of each brush touching and rubbing makeup on one another. Therefore, I knew there must be an easier way to deal with the mess and so I brainstormed up the idea of my makeup brush.
Chelsea: Was it created all on your own or did you have help from others?
I created the idea on my own and taught myself how to do a provisional patent, create a prototype, do market research, call manufacturers, etc. But behind all that work it is important to have a great mentor to encourage and you along the way, which thankfully I had.
Chelsea: How did you get the money to actually make your idea reality?
Last spring, I won the Suffolk Pitch Competition which granted me $1,000 to get started. I knew I had to make sure I utilized my money in the best way possible so from there the $1,000 helped me pay for my provisional patent, inventory purchases, as well as getting started on a professional prototype. But what many people aren’t aware of is that it takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to make/sell products…that is something I did not have. But as fate had it, I partnered with an amazing investor who was able to financially help me out and bring my product to life.
Chelsea: How did your product end up on QVC TV?
My product ended up on QVC because my investor had strong ties to the network. She sells products all the time on QVC and therefore has a strong following. When my brush aired it sold about 3,000 brushes in a 7 minute segment… that would’ve taken me months to sell on my own, if I was lucky.
Chelsea: What are your hopes/ambitions for the future?
My hopes and ambitions for the future lie in being a successful entrepreneur/inventor. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love creating something out of nothing and I firmly believe that when you are truly passionate about your work, that’s when you will be successful and happy. Work is something you are going to have to do for the majority of your life, so you better love what you do.
Chelsea: What advice do you have for others hoping to start their own business, projects, or create their own products?
My advice for those wanting to start their own business, projects or create their own products is do not give up! If you have an idea and you firmly believe it is a good one, don’t let anything or anyone stop you. A lot of the times when I first had my idea I would come to a standstill and debate with myself if this was even a good idea. It’s scary when you realize how much it costs to create the product and I remember I continuously kept thinking “is it worth it, is this even a good idea, am I wasting all this money on nothing?” Those are the thoughts you need to push aside because there were so many times I could’ve quit because it would’ve been a lot easier, but I am so thankful I didn’t. Also, it is important to realize that this is not something that happens overnight. It is a long process, but you learn to have a lot of patience and in the end, it makes it all the more worthwhile…just enjoy the ride!
Chelsea: How has your time and experience at Suffolk helped you through this amazing journey?
My time at Suffolk has helped me through this amazing journey first off from winning the pitch competition so I was able to get my start. Secondly, because of the education I am receiving… not only in the classroom but outside of it. Talking to Professors and people that know the business are the best sources you can go to. Suffolk has a lot of connections and you need to network to utilize them.
Chelsea: What is a fun fact about yourself/something nobody knows about you?
A fun fact about myself is that I have two dogs… dogs are my weakness, I love them.
Chelsea: Where can people find your product?
           Here is the direct link to purchasing it.