H&M stores around the world were mobbed on November 5th as a result of the highly anticipated Balmain release. The designer brand collaborated with H&M and provided shoppers with authentic Balmain pieces. Models such as Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Jourdan Dunn all appear in the Balmain x H&M campaign, and Jenner is even featured in a Balmain music video alongside Oliver Rousteing, the creative director for the company.
The music video is set in a “futuristic” subway where Kendall Jenner and her Kendalls (back up dancers), have a dance off. Oliver Rousteing, and his Balmain army have had quite an impact in the fashion world and are gaining a big following from Kardashian fans as well.
Shoppers love the fact that they can wear something the Kardashians and Jenners have worn before, one saying, “I got the white blazer that Jourdan Dunn wore, the basic T-shirt and another black blazer that Kim Kardashian was wearing. Seeing them in the clothes definitely influenced my decision to come here.”
Don’t get too excited though, some pieces from the Balmain collection cost upwards of five hundred dollars. Despite this, price has proven not to be an issue for some customers, as almost the entire stock of Balmain sold out already. H&M even had its site crash as a result of the large amount of online shoppers.
Ultimately, the campaign and release of the clothing line has been extremely successful for both Balmain and H&M. This collaboration will hopefully continue for quite some time, providing everyday shoppers with a little taste of a Paris designer brand!