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How To Get Through The End of The Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Thanksgiving has come and gone – you know what that means college students…The home run of the semester is upon us! Presentations, projects, essays, and exams will be hitting us full-force soon enough. Here are some helpful tips to get through it (alive):


1. Have a motivator

While this should be a motivator in itself, sometimes the thought of getting an A+ on an assignment is just NOT enough to get us through…especially when your bed is so warm and the walk to class is so cold. Give yourself small rewards for staying on task like your favorite snack or a new scarf. If the thought of a Dunks iced coffee is all that will get you through your 8 AM then no judgements made here – you deserve it!  


2. Make Lists

I am convinced that one of the best feelings in the world is crossing off finished tasks from a long TO DO list. Write out all that you have to accomplish for the day and with every cross from the list let a little weight come off your shoulders! Hint: some days the first task is getting out of bed – it feels nice to start your day with a cross off the list!   


3. Schedule Brain Breaks 

Your brain can only take so much constant work, make sure to give it a break every now and then! Do you have a 10-page study guide to fill out? Schedule a 10-minute break for yourself once your halfway through to give your brain a break. But don’t listen to hooded Kermit, have the willpower to log off your newsfeed to finish the task! 


4. Take It Day By Day

If just the thought of your December agenda is enough to make you sweat, simply don’t let it! It can be overwhelming to see so many things due so closely, but try to take it day by day. Don’t think too much ahead and stress yourself out – just accomplish what you can each day. 


5. Stay Calm

It is easy for us to let our stress get the best of us and admit defeat, but don’t let it! Just think: you have survived all of your worst days already. Worrying never changes the outcome, so try your best to lower your anxiety and just do the best you can! Holiday break will feel extra nice knowing you tried the best you could!