NAME: Jeremy Hayes
YEAR: Sophomore
MAJOR: Broadcast Journalism
HOMETOWN: Port St. Lucie, Florida
SIGN: Gemini
Why did you want to start a sports show?
I went to Suffolk knowing I wanted to become a sports reporter. I had an idea for a Sports Talk Show that gave students the chance to openly discuss topics in sports without being too uptight while doing it. That idea has stayed with me since 6th grade and I am finally able to do it.
When did it begin?
I pitched the idea in November of 2011, and recruited enough guys to shoot our first episode on December 5th. We had seven episodes by the end of last school year, and we are preparing to shoot our sixth episode of season two before the end of this semester.
Did you found it yourself or were there others involved also?
I did found the idea myself, I had a lot of help from the studio manager Jerry Glendye. He walked me through everything I had to do, I recruited myself, put in a lot of time into getting the show off the ground. I had a lot of help from my fellow members of Clash of the Rams: Ryan Chevalier, Eric Russo, Daveson Perez, Brandon Crosby for our first season of shooting.
What was the process like from beginning to end?
The idea was there for a long time, but then came the work of making something out of nothing. I got it done through a month’s work, everything like members, the different segments, and the title of the show. No fun story as far as the title- just the first thing that came to me, and it stuck. Clash of the Rams: The Sports Talk Show.
How much work does it take to run the show?
I have lost track of time to be honest. It is an every day process, as far as keeping track of every member, and trying to leave no student behind while offering equal opportunity to everyone. It is worth the work, and I am willing to do whatever I can to help make the show better. Not just speaking for myself, on the day of shooting there is a lot of work as far as getting the studio setup for each segment. Everyone puts hard work into it when they need to, and it always makes the quality of the show better. I am willing to make the prediction that a semester from now, we will without a doubt have the best on-campus crew of any Suffolk organization. They are all passionate about sports and broadcast, and I am glad to have them on board.
How many members are there now?
We have 12 members who are active with the show.
When does the show air/when can people watch it?
The show airs on Monday nights at 7:30. It can be viewed on YouTube at
When/where do you have meetings?
Our meeting location varies each semester, but we prepare the script every Friday at 1 pm. We are very active on Facebook, and can communicate whenever we have to adjust the script.
Can anyone join and how?
All are welcome to be a part of Suffolk University’s Sports Talk Show, for more information all you have to do is email me at I am very upfront, and try to recruit individually to help anyone out with questions on how to become a member. Anyone can join.
What is your favorite part of the show?
The debates are always the best. Every single person we have can be very passionate about the debate topic and that makes it into a heated exchange. We have a debate tournament as our finale, and it is a blast to be apart of. It is without a doubt the greatest part of our show, and the segment that really catches the viewers’ attention.
What is a fun fact about yourself?
Fun fact about me is that I am not afraid to side with unpopular opinions, and anyone who watches knows this. I am very open-minded in sports, and am not just willing to jump into the moment without objection to the subject. I am also not a “stat-guy,” I think some people need to look beyond the stat sheet.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Most embarrassing moment…it is a show, every episode will have an embarrassing moment. I have made plenty of mistakes on the show, but none was worse than the very first episode when I never introduced my own name. That is TV 101 right there: who are you? I have improved though, along with the rest of the crew.