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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Name: Nicole Fell

Year: Senior

Major: Print Journalism

Hometown: Litchfield, NH

Relationship status: Single

Involvement on campus: EIC/Campus Correspondent for Her Campus, Captain of Suffolk University Dance Company,  Theta Phi Alpha

Astrology sign:  Leo

Instagram: spookynikkki

Twitter: nikkimfell


What’s it like being the EIC of Her Campus AND the captain of the dance team?

AMAZING! Her Campus is fabulous & and so is SUDC!


Favorite dance you’ve done with SUDC?

Last semester I choreographed to “New Americana” by Halsey and I really loved how it came out. My first year we danced to “Breath of Life” and I really loved that one as well.


What else are you involved in outside of campus?

I am currently interning at Channel 7 on the cyber team. I love it. I also work at Alex and Ani on Newbury Street!



Dream job?

Entertainment Writer at BuzzFeed / also get paid to drink wine and talk crap like Matt Bellassai


Tell us about a typical day in the life of you?

  • I wake up after my alarm has gone off 4-5 times no doubt waking up my roommate Liz Mulaski

  • I probably take a Lyft to class or my internship

  • I spend the rest of my day running around like a chicken with my head cut off

  • Finally get home around 9-10 p.m.

  • Liz and I hate watch Friends or How I Met Your Mother


If you could only listen to one song from RENT for the rest of your life what song would it be?

OK THIS IS SUCH A HARD QUESTION. I kinda ride or die for “Out Tonight” & “Light My Candle” but “La Vie Boheme” is the best song ever, so.



What is something a lot of people don’t know about you?

I am 4’11 and will never be 5ft tall. *SIGH*


What are your biggest turn ons / offs?

Turn ons: Watching The X-Files with me and being able to make me laugh

Turn offs: Not liking my instagram photos and being rude to waitresses/sales people/anyone basically


Who would play you if they made a movie about your life?

I would like to think Gillian Anderson because she is the Queen but it would probably be Snooki from the Jersey Shore.


If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want to have with you?

Endless supply of ginger ale, season 5 DVD of The X-Files, and a Big Tasty from Tasty Burger


Who is your celebrity crush?

David Duchvony in 1996, Josh Hutcherson rn, Misha Collins, Dadbod O’Malley


What has been your biggest / favorite accomplishment so far?

Definitely getting the internship that I have now and the fact I choreographed 3 different dances last semester. Also, I interned on the Hillary Clinton campaign so that’s pretty cool.



I heard you’ve been selected for “who’s who” among colleges and universities, what does that mean?

I don’t really know!


Favorite cheeseburger in Boston?

BIG TASTY, but “The Vermonster” from Boston Burger Co comes in a close second.



Who is your favorite celebrity from New Hampshire?

Me, myself, and I.

Seth Meyers is pretty cool too.


Funky or fresh?


Media student who loves pop culture and is almost always thinking about Harry Styles.
Journalism student in Boston / Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Suffolk. I'm into politics, pop music, and parks. I tweet about TV and lipstick. @nikkimfell